
Weaver is the component that generates documentation for a project. Its operation depends on the output format (markdown or HTML). Therefore, weaver is defined as an abstract class which can be customized by overriding certain methods. The abstract Weaver class contains the code common to both markdown and HTML generation.

weaver imports
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as path from 'path'
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import { minimatch } from 'minimatch'
import * as cfg from './config'
import * as tr from './translators/translators'
import * as bl from './block-list'
import * as reg from './region'
import * as log from './logging'
import * as dg from './dependency-graph'

Weaver Base Class

Main functionality provided by the Weaver class includes retrieving all the source files according to the configuration and feeding them to a translator. It splits an input file into code and markdown blocks.

export abstract class Weaver {
    protected typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker
    protected outputMap: tr.OutputFileMap

Generating All Files

The public method below takes a TypeScript Program object and generates documentation for it. It first gathers all the files for which the documentation is created. Then it creates a translator and processes the files in two passes: first the TypeScript source files and then the other files. The order is significant as regions defined in source files must be created before they can be used.

    generateDocumentation(prg: ts.Program) {
        this.outputMap = {}
        this.typeChecker = prg.getTypeChecker()
            .forEach(this.processTsFile, this)
            .forEach(this.processOtherFile, this)

Watching Changes

In watch mode we get a subtype of a Program object and use it to process only the source files that are changed. If the output map is not yet initialized, we call the generateDocumentation method to build the whole documentation.

    programChanged(prg: ts.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram, 
        complete: (prg: ts.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram) => void) {
        let d = prg.getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile()
        while (d) {
            let aff = d.affected
            if ((aff as ts.SourceFile).kind)
                this.reprocessSourceFile(aff as ts.SourceFile)
                this.generateDocumentation(aff as ts.Program)
            d = prg.getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile()

TypeScript compiler tracks only TS files, it does not notify us when other files are changed. So, we must setup watchers for them separately.

        ts.WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile<ts.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram>) {
            .forEach(of => host.watchFile(of.source.fileName,
                (fileName, event) => {
                    if (event == ts.FileWatcherEventKind.Changed) {
                        let outFile = this.outputMap[fileName]
                        if (outFile)

Abstract Methods

The methods below are implemented in the sub-classes. The first one returns the file extension for output files.

    protected abstract getFileExt(): string

The second one abstract method outputs a blocks list to a file.

    protected abstract outputBlocks(blocks: bl.BlockList,
        outputFile: tr.OutputFile): void

Helper Methods

The helper function below returns an output path for a given input file. It returns it both absolute and relative form. It also ensures that the target path exists by creating the sub-folder on demand.

    private targetPathFor(filePath: string): [string, string] {
        const opts = cfg.getOptions();
        let relPath = path.relative(opts.baseDir, filePath)
        let parsed = path.parse(relPath)
        let targetPath = this.ensureOutDirExist(parsed.dir)
        let res = path.join(targetPath, parsed.name + this.getFileExt())
        return [res.replace(/\\/g, "/"),
        path.relative(opts.outDir, res).replace(/\\/g, "/")]

    private ensureOutDirExist(subdir: string) {
        let targetPath = path.resolve(cfg.getOptions().outDir, subdir)
        if (!fs.existsSync(targetPath))
            fs.mkdirSync(targetPath, { recursive: true })
        return targetPath

    private getOutputFiles(kind: tr.SourceKind): tr.OutputFile[] {
        return Object.values(this.outputMap)
            .filter(of => of.sourceKind == kind)

Processing TypeScript Files

The method below constructs a map (or a dictionary) that contains the source files to be processed. It skips declaration files because they are outside of the project, and any files that are specified to be excluded in the configuration.

    private addTSFilesToOutputMap(prg: ts.Program) {
        let opts = cfg.getOptions()
        for (const source of prg.getSourceFiles()) {
            let relPath = path.relative(opts.baseDir, source.fileName)
            if (!(source.isDeclarationFile || this.excludePath(relPath))) {
                let [fullTargetPath, relTargetPath] = 
                this.outputMap[source.fileName] = {
                    sourceKind: tr.SourceKind.typescript,
                    fullTargetPath, relTargetPath, source

Once the file map is created it is quite simple to just traverse through it and feed the files to a translator. The block list produced is then written to disk by calling the abstract outputBlocks method.

    private processTsFile(outFile: tr.OutputFile) {
        let translator = tr.getTranslator(outFile, this.typeChecker, 
        let blocks = translator.getBlocksForFile(outFile)
        this.outputBlocks(blocks, outFile)

Reprocessing Changed Files

If we are reprocessing a TypeScript file, we update the Source object and remove the regions defined in the file before calling the processTsFile method.

    protected reprocessSourceFile(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {
        let fileName = sourceFile.fileName
        let outFile = this.outputMap[fileName]
        if (!outFile)
        outFile.source = sourceFile

    protected reprocessOtherFile(outputFile: tr.OutputFile) {

Processing Other Files

To gather the other files we browse through all subdirectories in the project root folder. We do this in a generator that yields each file in turn.

    private *getOtherFiles(dir: string): Iterable<string> {
        if (dir == path.resolve(cfg.getOptions().outDir))
        const subdirs = fs.readdirSync(dir)
        for (let subPath of subdirs) {
            let res = path.resolve(dir, subPath)
            let relPath = path.relative(cfg.getOptions().baseDir, res)
            if ((fs.statSync(res)).isDirectory()) {
                if (!this.excludePath(relPath))
                    yield* this.getOtherFiles(res)
            else if (this.includePath(relPath))
                yield res

We need to determine whether a file is included or excluded based on the configuration settings.

    private includePath(relPath: string): boolean {
        return cfg.getOptions().files.some(glob => minimatch(relPath, glob)) &&

    private excludePath(relPath: string): boolean {
        return cfg.getOptions().exclude.some(glob => minimatch(relPath, glob))

The loop that processes other files is also quite simple. The contents of each file is read and passed to the translator. The generated block list is saved to a file by the abstract outputBlocks method.

    private addOtherFilesToOutputMap() {
        let baseDir = cfg.getOptions().baseDir
        for (let mdFile of this.getOtherFiles(path.resolve(baseDir))) {
            let [fullTargetPath, relTargetPath] = this.targetPathFor(mdFile)
            this.outputMap[mdFile] = {
                sourceKind: tr.SourceKind.other,
                fullTargetPath, relTargetPath,
                source: { fileName: mdFile, contents: null }

There is a gotcha in the readFileSync function that we need to take care of. The function adds whitespace at the beginning of the contents string which messes up the markdown to HTML transformation if we don't trim it out.

    private processOtherFile(outFile: tr.OutputFile) {
        (outFile.source as tr.OtherFile).contents = fs.readFileSync(
            outFile.source.fileName, 'utf8').trim()
        let translator = tr.getTranslator(outFile)
        let blocks = translator.getBlocksForFile(outFile)
        this.outputBlocks(blocks, outFile)

Change Event

When a file has been changed are reweaved, this method is called. Subclasses can override the method to run live reloading, etc.

    protected outputFileChanged(outFile: tr.OutputFile) {}

Saving Depenency Graph

After all the files are processed, dependency graph is saved to a file designated in configuration.

    private saveDependencyGraph() {
        let opts = cfg.getOptions()
        if (opts.dependencyGraph) {
            log.info(`Saving dependency graph to ${log.Colors.Blue}${
            fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(opts.outDir, opts.dependencyGraph),
                JSON.stringify(dg.getDependencyGraph(), null, 4))