Table of Contents

The data structure for table of contents (TOC for short) is defined here along with the functions for loading and saving it.

toc.ts imports
import * as fs from 'fs'

Data Structure

TOC is represented by a simple recursive data structure. It consists of entries containing information about a single page. An entry might contain sub-entries which share the same structure.

An entry contains the following information:

export type Toc = TocEntry[]
export interface TocEntry {
    page: string
    file: string
    desc: string
    bullet?: string
    subs?: Toc

Loading TOC

The function that loads TOC from file is defined below. It checks if the given file exists. If not, it returns an empty TOC. Otherwise it parses the content to the data structure. Any errors in the data will cause exceptions.

export function loadToc(tocFile: string): Toc {
    if (!fs.existsSync(tocFile))
        return [];
    try {
        return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(tocFile, 'utf-8'))
    catch (e) {
        throw e instanceof SyntaxError ?
            Error("Could not parse TOC. Error: \n" +
                e.message) : e

Saving TOC

Saving TOC just serializes the data structure to string and saves it to the file specified.

export function saveToc(toc: Toc, tocFile: string) {
    fs.writeFileSync(tocFile, JSON.stringify(toc, null, 4))

Iterating the Entries

Since the TOC structure is recursive it needs to be flattened, if you want to iterate throuhg all the entries. The following generator does just that.

export function* iterateTocEntries(entries: Toc): Iterable<TocEntry> {
    for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
        let entry = entries[i]
        if (entry.file)
            yield entries[i]
        if (entry.subs) {
            for (let subEntry of iterateTocEntries(entry.subs))
                yield subEntry

Finding an Entry

To find a specific page in the TOC, we iterate through the flattened entries until we find the given file.

export function findTocEntryForFile(entries: Toc, file: string): TocEntry {
    for (let entry of iterateTocEntries(entries))
        if (entry.file == file)
            return entry
    return null

Find Previous and Next Entry

Navigation buttons need the reference to the previous and next page of the given entry. This function also traverses through the flattened list, but keeps the previous entry in a variable, in case the next one is the one we are searching for.

export function findPreviousAndNextTocEntries(entries: Toc, file: string):
    [TocEntry, TocEntry] {
    let prev: TocEntry = null
    let found = false
    for (let entry of iterateTocEntries(entries))
        if (found)
            return [prev, entry]
        else if (entry.file == file)
            found = true
            prev = entry
    return [prev, null]

Adding New Entry

Adding a new entry is done simply by pushing it at the end of the top-level TOC. The user can manually relocate it later.

export function addTocEntry(toc: Toc, page: string, file: string) {
    if (!findTocEntryForFile(toc, file))
        toc.push({ page, file, desc: "" })

Page Title

The title of a HTML page is retrieved also from TOC.

export function pageTitle(toc: Toc, relFileName: string): string {
    let entry = findTocEntryForFile(toc, relFileName)
    return entry ? " - " + : ""