Dynamic Content with Web Components

Visualizers are removed in LiTScript version 2. The recommended alternative is to use web components as a substitute. They can be inserted to markdown as easily and have other benefits:

To help write web components in LiTScript, we provide a base class for custom elements. It handles attaching the shadow DOM and loading styles into the component. Below is an example how you can use it:

 // Import root style file. LiTScript will bundle this into file: 
 // ${outDir}/dist/my-element.css
 import "my-element.css"

 export abstract class MyElement extends StyledElement {
     constructor() {
         // Give the name of the root CSS file as argument to the inherited
         // constructor. The base class will insert a <link> tag inside the 
         // component that loads the styles.
         // Initialize your component here. Add your elements under the 
         // inherited body element.

     protected override connect() {
         // Called when the element is attached to the DOM. Call code that
         // you want to perform here.
 // Register your custom element.
 customElements.define("my-element", MyElement)

Now you can import your component in the front matter of any other file and insert it at any location.

{ "modules": [ "path/to/my-element" ] }

# Here is My Component

<my-element />

CustomElement Class

The base class for custom elements extends HTMLElement DOM class and attaches a shadow root into it.

export abstract class CustomElement extends HTMLElement {
    protected root: ShadowRoot

The flag that tells whether the component has been attached to DOM.

    private connected: boolean

Constructor attaches the shadow DOM and clears the connected flag.

    constructor() {
        this.root  = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })
        this.connected = false

This method is called when the component is attached to DOM. It checks whether we have already connected our functionality. If not we call the abstract connect method and set the connected flag.

    connectedCallback() {
        if (!this.connected) {
            this.connected = true

Override this method to run code when the component is connected.

    protected abstract connect()

StyledElement Class

The styled element inherits from custom element and adds stylesheet reference to the shadow DOM. It also adds a div that is the new body of the element.

export abstract class StyledElement extends CustomElement {
    protected body: HTMLElement

Constructor attaches the shadow DOM and creates <link> tag under it that refers to the CSS file. Then it creates the body div under the shadow root. You can add your own elements under it.

    constructor(cssRoot: string) {
        let link = document.createElement('link')
        link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet')
        let src = (document.currentScript as HTMLScriptElement).src
        let path = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf("/"))
        link.setAttribute('href', `${path}/${cssRoot}.css`)
        this.body = document.createElement('div')