Markdown Weaver

Customizing the Weaver class for markdown format is a simple exercise. We just provide implementations for all the abstract methods.

md-weaver imports
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import * as bl from './block-list'
import * as tr from './translators/translators'
import * as wv from './weaver'
export class MarkdownWeaver extends wv.Weaver {

The extension of the output files is .md

    protected getFileExt() {
        return ".md"

Saving a block list is also easy. Blocks already contain markdown, so we just write them as-is to a text file.

    protected outputBlocks(blocks: bl.BlockList, outputFile: tr.OutputFile) {
        let fd = fs.openSync(outputFile.fullTargetPath, 'w');
        try {
            for (let block of blocks)
                if (block.contents)
                    fs.writeSync(fd, block.contents, null, 'utf8');
        finally {