import * as path from 'path'
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import * as bl from '../block-list'
import * as reg from '../region'
This module contains few definitions for objects created elsewhere in the application. First we define an interface that represents an input-output file pair.
We categorize source files to tho groups: TypeScript and other.
export enum SourceKind { typescript, other }
For other kind of source files we need both the file name and its contents.
export interface OtherFile {
fileName: string
contents: string
The OutputFile interface stores the kind of the source file, a reference to
the source file (either TypeScript SourceFile
object or OtherFile
object defined above), and the target path both in relative and full format.
export interface OutputFile {
sourceKind: SourceKind
source: ts.SourceFile | OtherFile
fullTargetPath: string
relTargetPath: string
The OutputFileMap interface is a dictionary that maps source files to the OutputFile objects.
export interface OutputFileMap {
[sourcePath: string]: OutputFile
Translator gets an OutputFile object as a parameter and maintains internal state that helps constructing block lists.
export abstract class Translator {
protected outputFile: OutputFile
The head of the block list is stored here.
private blocks: bl.BlockList
The currently last block is here.
protected currBlock: bl.BlockList
The abstract method below should be implemented to extract a block list from a file.
protected abstract createBlocks()
This method returns the language designator (e.g. js, ts, css) used when creating code blocks. The default language designator is extracted from the file extension of the source file, but this can be overridden in subclasses.
protected language(): string {
return path.extname(this.outputFile.source.fileName).substring(1)
To run the translator, you call the following method.
getBlocksForFile(outputFile: OutputFile): bl.BlockList {
return this.finalize()
Before starting the operation, the internal state of the translator needs to be reset.
private initialize(outputFile: OutputFile) {
this.outputFile = outputFile
this.blocks = null
this.currBlock = null
Finalization only involves closing the current block and returning the head.
private finalize() {
if (this.currBlock)
return this.blocks
We split markdown text using a regex that recognizes region and visualizer calls. We expand each region/visualizer call and open a new block after that.
protected splitMdFile(text: string, fileName: string) {
this.scan(text, /^\s*<<(r|v):(.+?)>>\s*$/gims,
match => {
let command = match[1].toLowerCase()
let params = match[2]
if (command == 'r')
this.expandRegion(params.trim(), fileName)
t => this.openMarkdownBlock(t))
Expanding a region is straighforward. If a region with a given name can be found, we append all its blocks after the current block.
private expandRegion(regionName: string, fileName: string) {
if (!regionName)
throw SyntaxError('No region name specified.')
let region = reg.Region.get(regionName, fileName)
for (let block of region.expand(this.outputFile.relTargetPath))
The following helper method adds a block at the end of the list and
assigns it to the currentBlock
property. It also closes the previous
block, if needed. If this is the first block, we assign it to the
protected openNewBlock(block: bl.BlockList) {
if (!this.blocks)
this.blocks = block
else { = block
this.currBlock = block
We can quickly add a new markdown block with specified content with the method below.
protected openMarkdownBlock(text: string) {
let block = new bl.BlockList(bl.BlockKind.markdown, null)
Similarly we can add a new code block with the method below.
protected openCodeBlock(text?: string) {
let block = new bl.BlockList(bl.BlockKind.code, this.language())
if (text)
If we just need to make sure that a specific kind of block is current, we can call this method. It opens a new block, if the current block is not of a given type.
protected ensureBlock(kind: bl.BlockKind) {
if (!this.blocks || this.currBlock.kind !== kind)
this.openNewBlock(new bl.BlockList(kind, this.language()))
Translator base class provides a helper function that scans text using the given regex. It calls the first function for each regex match, and the second one for the text fragments in-between.
protected scan(text: string, regex: RegExp,
matchFn: (matches: RegExpExecArray) => void,
gapFn: (gap: string) => void) {
let match: RegExpExecArray
let start = 0
while (match = regex.exec(text)) {
let i = match.index
if (start < i)
gapFn(text.slice(start, i))
start = regex.lastIndex
if (start == 0)
else if (start < text.length)
gapFn(text.slice(start, text.length))
The rest of the methods in the translator class can be overridden by a subclass. By default the methods just output code and markdown as-is to the current code block.
protected appendMarkdown(text: string) {
protected appendCode(node: ts.Node, text: string) {
protected appendSingleLineComment(text: string, inner: string) {
protected appendMultiLineComment(text: string, inner: string) {