Source Blocks

Source files are split into blocks that contain either documentation or code fragments. This module defines the data structure that stores these blocks. The type of the block is defined as an enumeration.

export enum BlockKind { markdown, code }

We add a header and a footer to the code blocks when they are complete. The header and footer used in HTML output is defined below.

export const htmlHeader = '\n<pre class="syntaxhighlight narrow-scrollbars"><code>'
export const htmlFooter = '\n</code></pre>\n'

The blocks are stored in singly linked lists which implements the Iterable interface. The nodes of the list contain the kind specifier, contents string (which is initialized after the block is ready), and reference to the next block.

export class BlockList implements Iterable<BlockList> {
    public readonly kind: BlockKind
    public contents: string
    public next: BlockList

To speed up the construction of the contents string, we build it from smaller substring which are stored in the builder array.

    private builder: string[]

The designator of the programming language comes in as a parameter. It is needed in markdown output and only for a code block. For a markdown block the value can be null.

    private language: string

Construction and Copying

Constructor initializes only the kind field. The reference to next block is set later. For now it is initialized to null.

    constructor(kind: BlockKind, language: string) {
        this.kind = kind = null
        this.language = language

Copying a block takes kind and language from the source block and uses the contents given as parameter.

    static copy(block: BlockList, contents: string): BlockList {
        let res = new BlockList(block.kind, block.language)
        res.contents = contents
        return res

Appending Text

builder array is used to construct the contents in a piecewise manner. The append method pushes text at the end of the array. We reserve the first item in the array to the header string, so it is left empty.

    append(text: string) {
        if (!this.builder)
            this.builder = [""]

Closing a Block

When a block is closed, the text fragments in the builder array are concatenated to the contents string . If the contents is already set or builder is empty, we do nothing. Otherwise we trim whitespace from the beginning and end of the block, add the correct header and footer, and finally join the strings together.

    close() {
        if (this.contents || !this.builder)
        if (this.kind === BlockKind.code) {
            if (!this.trim()) {
                this.contents = ""
                this.builder = null
            if (this.language) {
                this.builder[0] = `\n\`\`\`${this.language}\n`
            else {
                this.builder[0] = htmlHeader
        this.contents = this.builder.join("")
        this.builder = null

Trimming Code Blocks

Blank lines are removed from the beginning and end of the code blocks to keep the documentation tidy. Trimming is easier to do before the fragments in the builder array are flattened to the contents string.

We must be careful, thought, to preserve the indentation of the first non-blank line. Therefore we use a regex to check whether a line is blank before trimming it. Trimming at the end is easier, since we don't care about the whitespace after the last visible character.

The function returns true, if any text remains after trimming. Otherwise it concludes that the block is empty and returns false.

    private trim() {
        function trimStart(builder: string[]): boolean {
            for (let i = 1; i < builder.length; ++i)
                if (builder[i]) {
                    let trimmed = builder[i].replace(/^[\t ]*[\r\n]+/g, "")
                    if (builder[i] == trimmed)
                        return true
                    builder[i] = trimmed
            return false
        function trimEnd(builder: string[]): boolean {
            for (let i = builder.length - 1; i > 0; --i) {
                let trimmed = builder[i].trim()
                if (trimmed != "")
                    return true
                builder[i] = trimmed
            return false
        let start = trimStart(this.builder)
        let end = trimEnd(this.builder)
        return start || end 

Implementing Iterable

The implementation of the Iterable interface is trivial using a generator.

    *[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<BlockList> {
        for (let b: BlockList = this; b; b =
            yield b