Path & Directory Utilities

This module contains general functions for working with files and file paths.

utils imports
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as path from 'path'
import * as mm from 'minimatch'

Path Helpers

This function ensures that the given path is in the Posix format, with forward instead of backslashes.

export function toPosixPath(filePath: string): string {
    return filePath.split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep)

This one checks if two paths are the same. The path formats can be mixed, i.e. other in Windows other in Posix format.

export function samePath(filePath: string, other: string): boolean {
    return !path.relative(other, filePath)

This one checks if the given file path is under the given directory.

export function isInsideDir(filePath: string, dir: string): boolean {
    let relative = path.relative(dir, filePath)
    return relative && !relative.startsWith('..') && !path.isAbsolute(relative)

Directory Helpers

The function below ensures that the specified directory exists. It creates the full, if any of the directories is not ther.

export function ensureDirExist(filePath: string) {
    let fp = path.parse(filePath)
    if (!fs.existsSync(fp.dir))
        fs.mkdirSync(fp.dir, { recursive: true })

This is a helper function that recursively traverses a directory tree and calls either fileAction or dirAction function depending if the entry is a file or directory.

export function recurseDir(dir: string, fileAction: (filePath: string) => void,
    dirAction?: (dirPath: string) => void) {
    for (const file of fs.readdirSync(dir)) {
        let fp = path.join(dir, file)
        let stat = fs.statSync(fp)
        if (stat.isFile())
        else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
            recurseDir(fp, fileAction, dirAction)
            if (dirAction)

This one deletes the contents of a directory.

export function clearDir(dir: string) {
    recurseDir(dir, fs.unlinkSync, fs.rmdirSync)

This function uses recurseDir to find all files under a directory that match the given GLOB pattern. It searches recursively inside subdirectories too.

export function findFiles(dir: string, pattern: string): string[] {
    let res = []
    recurseDir(dir, fp => {
        if (mm.minimatch(fp, pattern))
    return res