Normal Page

The default template is designed for normal documentation page. It consists of navbar, table of contents pane, the content area, page menu, and footer.

normal imports
import { html } from '../../../src/templates/html'
import { TemplateContext, relLink } from '../../../src/templates/template'
import { FrontMatter } from '../../../src/templates/front-matter'
import { pageTitle } from '../../../src/templates/toc'
import { default as navbar, NavBarItem, NavBarMenu } from '../../components/navbar'
import tooltip from '../../components/tooltip'
import tocmenu from '../../components/tocmenu'
import contentarea from '../../components/contentarea'
import pagemenu from '../../components/pagemenu'
import footer from '../../components/footer'
import icons from '../../components/icons'

The function below generates contents of the navbar. It yields a list of NavItem objects that provide links to download page, source repository, and license information. If corresponding links are missing in the front matter, buttons are skipped.

function* navItems(fm: FrontMatter, relFileName: string): Iterable<NavBarItem> {

The link to the home page with the project name and logo.

    yield { 
        link: relLink(relFileName, 'index.html'), 
        caption: fm.projectName, 
        icon: fm.logo ? 
            (fm.logo.startsWith('<') ? fm.logo : relLink(relFileName, fm.logo)) : 
        title: true 

Link to the download page.

    if (
        yield { 
            link: relLink(relFileName,, 
            caption: 'Download', 
            icon:"") ? 
                icons.npm :

Link to GitHub repository.

    if (fm.repository)
        yield { 
            link: relLink(relFileName, fm.repository), 
            caption: 'GitHub', 
            icon: icons.github

Link to the license.

    if (fm.license)
        yield { 
            link: relLink(relFileName, fm.license), 
            caption: 'License', 
            icon: icons.license

Menu for changing the syntax highlighting scheme.

    yield {
        caption: "Syntax Highlight",
        icon: icons.caret_down,
        subMenu: syntaxNavItems(fm)
    yield {
        caption: "Theme",
        icon: icons.caret_down,
        subMenu: themeNavItems(fm)

Populate the navitems for syntax highlight submenu. Items' click handlers call the syntaxHighlight function in the body object. This function is defined in the accompanying JS file.

function syntaxNavItems(fm: FrontMatter): NavBarMenu {
    let items: NavBarItem[] = []
    for (let key in fm.syntaxHighlightThemes) {
            caption: fm.syntaxHighlightThemes[key],
            id: key,
            icon: icons.palette,
            active: key == fm.syntaxHighlight,
            onclick: `document.body.syntaxHighlight('${key}')`
    return { items, toggle: true }

The other menu allows changing used theme.

function themeNavItems(fm: FrontMatter): NavBarMenu {
    let items: NavBarItem[] = []
    for (let key in fm.themes) {
            caption: fm.themes[key],
            id: key,
            icon: icons.paint,
            active: key == fm.theme,
            onclick: `document.body.theme('${key}')`
    return { items, toggle: true }

Page Template

The HTML template for the page is below. It imports required style and JS files and returns the HTML for the given context.

export default (ctx: TemplateContext) => {
    ctx.require(ctx.siteSrcDir, "styles/theme.css")
    ctx.require(ctx.siteSrcDir, "styles/syntax.css")
    ctx.require(__dirname, "./normal")
    ctx.require(__dirname, "./normal.css")
    return html`
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
            ${ctx.frontMatter.projectName}${pageTitle(ctx.toc, ctx.relFilePath)}
        <link rel="icon" type="image/icon" href="${relLink(ctx.relFilePath, 
            "images/favicon.svg")}" />
        ${ctx.frontMatter.useMath ? 
            `<link rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx.frontMatter.katexCdn}">` : ''}
    <body data-syntax-highlight="${ctx.frontMatter.syntaxHighlight}"
        ${navbar(ctx, ...navItems(ctx.frontMatter, ctx.relFilePath))}
        <div class="layout">
            <div class="sidepane narrow-scrollbars">
                <div class="toc-button">${icons.chevrons_right}</div>
            <div class="sidepane narrow-scrollbars">