HTML Weaver

When HTML is selected as an output format, the weaver class needs to do more work:


We use markdown-it library to convert markdown to HTML. We customize it with couple of plug-ins that:

import * as path from 'path'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import * as fm from './templates/front-matter'
import * as toc from './templates/toc'
import * as tmp from './templates/template'
import * as MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
import * as mditKatex from '@iktakahiro/markdown-it-katex'
import { minimatch } from 'minimatch'
import mditNamedHeadings = require('markdown-it-named-headings')
import mditImSize = require("markdown-it-imsize")
const mditFrontMatter = require("markdown-it-front-matter")
import { HLJSApi } from 'highlight.js'
const hljs = require('highlight.js') as HLJSApi
import * as cfg from './config'
import * as bl from './block-list'
import * as tr from './translators/translators'
import * as wv from './weaver'
import * as bnd from './bundler'
import * as srv from './server'
import * as log from './logging'
import * as util from './utils'

This dictionary is used to track which template was used to generate each output file. We need this information to regenerate the pages when a tempalate, or one of its dependencies is changed.

interface TemplateUsage {
    [path: string]: Set<tr.OutputFile>

Instance Variables

We store inside a HtmlWeaver object variables that are needed in the process.

export class HtmlWeaver extends wv.Weaver {

Reference to the markdown parser.

    private mdit: MarkdownIt

We also keep the active front matter up-to-date. If a source file contains overrides to the global settings, they will only appear here.

    private frontMatter: fm.FrontMatter

Is the site directory included under the project directory? I.e. does this project has its own templates.

    private ownTemplates: boolean

The source directory of the site.

    private siteSrcDir: string

The output site directory. This contains the compiled templates and components.

    private siteOutDir: string

Template usage information.

    private templateUsage: TemplateUsage = {}

The output directory,

    private outDir: string

Currently open table of contents.

    private toc: toc.Toc

The dynamic code files referenced in the markdown are stored in a dictionary.

    public entries: bnd.EntryPoints

Overriding the Main Method

We override the generateDocumentation method to instantiate markdown-it and its plug-ins.

    override generateDocumentation(prg: ts.Program) {
        this.mdit = new MarkdownIt({ html: true })
        let opts = cfg.getOptions()

If a front matter block is encountered at the start of a file, we parse it and merge the settings with the global front matter object. Since there might be parsing errors, we need to catch and report them to the calling function.

        this.mdit.use(mditFrontMatter, (fmstr: string) => {
            try {
                this.frontMatter = JSON.parse(fmstr)
                cfg.mergeOptions(opts.frontMatter, this.frontMatter)
            catch (e) {
                throw e instanceof SyntaxError ?
                    Error("Could not parse front matter. Error: \n" +
                        e.message) : e

Configure highlight.js to omit style class prefixes.

            classPrefix: ''

We initialize the rest of the instance variables defined above.

        this.entries = {}

We load the TOC before calling the inherited method and save it afterwards, if so requested in configuration. As the last step, we bundle the deployment files.

        let tocFile = path.resolve(opts.outDir, opts.tocFile)`Loading TOC from ${log.Colors.Blue}${opts.tocFile}`)
        this.toc = toc.loadToc(tocFile)
        if (this.toc.length == 0)
            log.warn("TOC not found or empty.")

We find site directory either from the current project directory, or from the LiTScript lib directory. We also initialize outDir as it's needed by the template.

        this.siteSrcDir = path.resolve(opts.baseDir, "site/")
        this.siteOutDir = path.resolve(cfg.getCompilerOptions().outDir, "site/")
        this.ownTemplates = fs.existsSync(this.siteSrcDir)
        if (!this.ownTemplates) {
            this.siteSrcDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../site")
            this.siteOutDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "../site")
        this.outDir = opts.outDir
        if (opts.updateToc) {
  `Saving TOC to ${log.Colors.Blue}${opts.tocFile}`)
            toc.saveToc(this.toc, tocFile)
        if (opts.bundle)

The output extension is .html

    protected override getFileExt() {
        return ".html"

Adding TOC Entries

We add new pages to TOC, if the corresponding setting is on in the configuration, and if the file path is not defined to be excluded.

    protected addTocEntry(relPath: string) {
        let opts = cfg.getOptions()
        if (opts.updateToc &&
            !opts.excludeFromToc.some(glob => minimatch(relPath, glob)))
                path.basename(relPath, this.getFileExt()), relPath)

Saving Blocks

The HTML conversion is done before blocks are saved. The outputBlocks method overridde first renders the blocks to HTML using a subroutine defined below.

    protected override outputBlocks(blocks: bl.BlockList, 
        outputFile: tr.OutputFile) {

Clear source file level front matter and get the template reference. This ensures that template and project level front matter is loaded.

        let opts = cfg.getOptions()
        this.frontMatter = null
        let contents = this.renderHtml(outputFile, blocks)
        let fm = this.frontMatter || opts.frontMatter

The translator fills in a list of render calls which is passed with the current codeFile to the generateScripts function. This function returns a script block that loads and calls the dynamic code.

        let [ scripts, styles ] = this.scriptsAndStyles(
            outputFile.relTargetPath, fm, opts.serve)

Front matter, TOC, page contents, file path, and scripts are then passed to the templating engine which constucts the outputted web page.

        let [main, path] = tmp.generate(fm, this.toc, contents, styles, scripts,
            outputFile.fullTargetPath, outputFile.relTargetPath, this.siteSrcDir, 
            this.siteOutDir, this.outDir)
        this.entries[main] = path
        this.addTemplateUsage(main, outputFile)

Notifying Changes to Output Files

Notify changes to live reloading for changed output files.

    protected override outputFileChanged(outFile: tr.OutputFile) {
        srv.notifyChanges([ "/" + outFile.relTargetPath ])

Handling Changes to Templates

In the first run we add all the templates used by the weaver in a dictionary.

    private addTemplateUsage(tempName: string, outputFile: tr.OutputFile) {
        if (this.ownTemplates) {
            let usages = this.templateUsage[tempName]
            if (!usages)
                this.templateUsage[tempName] = new Set([outputFile])
            else if (!usages.has(outputFile))

Return file path for the given template name.

    private templatePath(templateName: string): string {
        let res = path.resolve(this.siteSrcDir, 'site/pages/', templateName)
        if (!fs.existsSync(res))
        let stats = fs.statSync(res)
        return res + (stats.isDirectory() ? "/index.ts" : ".ts")

Add templates that depend on the given file (name) to the given list. List items remain unique, and contain no duplicates.

    private addDependentTemplates(prg: ts.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram,
        fileName: string, templates: string[]) {
        for (let temp in this.templateUsage)
            if (!templates.includes(temp)) {
                let tempPath = this.templatePath(temp)
                let tempSrc = prg.getSourceFile(tempPath)
                if (util.samePath(fileName, tempPath) ||
    private regenTemplateDependents(templates: string[]) {
        let changed = this.templateUsage[templates[0]]
        for (let i = 1; i < templates.length; ++i)
            for (let outputFile of this.templateUsage[templates[i]])
        for (let outputFile of changed)
            if (outputFile.sourceKind == tr.SourceKind.typescript)
                this.reprocessSourceFile(outputFile.source as ts.SourceFile)

When program changes we check, if the file referenced by any of the used templates. If so, we regenerate also the output files that depend on the changed template(s).

    override programChanged(prg: ts.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram,
        complete: (prg: ts.SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram) => void) {
            let changedTemps: string[] = []
        let siteSrcDir = path.resolve(this.siteSrcDir, "site")
        let d = prg.getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile()
        while (d) {
            let aff = d.affected
            if ((aff as ts.SourceFile).kind) {
                let source = aff as ts.SourceFile
                if (util.isInsideDir(source.fileName, siteSrcDir))
                    this.addDependentTemplates(prg, source.fileName, 
                this.generateDocumentation(aff as ts.Program)
            d = prg.getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile()
        if (changedTemps.length > 0) {

Rendering HTML

We use a custom markdown-it renderer to convert fenced TypeScript code blocks to HTML.

    private renderHtml(outputFile: tr.OutputFile, blocks: bl.BlockList): 
        string {

We save the default fence renderer in order to restore it afterwards.

        let defaultFence = this.mdit.renderer.rules.fence

Now we define our custom renderer. It checks if a fenced code block has a language designator. If it has, we call a subroutine that converts the code to HTML and adds syntax hightlighting. Othwerwise we call the default renderer.

        this.mdit.renderer.rules.fence = 
            (tokens, index, options, env, self) => {
                let token = tokens[index]
                let infos =\s+/)
                if (infos.length > 0 && infos[0]) {
                    try {
                        return this.syntaxHighlightFencedCode(outputFile,
                            token.content, infos[0])
                    catch (e) {
                        log.warn("Syntax highlighting failed: " + e.message)
                return defaultFence(tokens, index, options, env, self)

We will also customize table rendering so that wide tables will work in small screens (add scrolling).

        this.mdit.renderer.rules.table_open = 
            (tokens, index, options, env, self) => 
                '<div style="overflow: auto">\n<table>'
        this.mdit.renderer.rules.table_close =
            (tokens, index, options, env, self) => '</table>\n</div>'

Before rendering the markdown we must concatenate the blocks together.

        let markdown = [...blocks].map(b => b.contents).join("")
        let contents = this.mdit.render(markdown)

Finally we restore the default renderer and return the result.

        this.mdit.renderer.rules.fence = defaultFence
        return contents

We make use of highlight.js when converting the code snippet defined in a fenced block to HTML. We map jsonc language to json as highlight.js does not recognize it.

    private syntaxHighlightFencedCode(outputFile: tr.OutputFile, code: string,
        language: string) {
        let opts = cfg.getOptions()
        if (language == "jsonc")
            language = "json"
        let res = hljs.highlight(code, { language })
        return bl.htmlHeader + res.value.trimEnd() + bl.htmlFooter

Adding Modules and Styles

The helper function below adds the JS/TS modules and CSS style files referenced by the front matter to a list of script and stylesheet links. It also adds both modules and styles to the entries dictionary maintained in this class. This dictionary is used to define the bundle root files.

    private scriptsAndStyles(relPath: string, frontMatter: fm.FrontMatter,
        live: boolean): [ string, string ] {
        let mainJs = `dist/${frontMatter.pageTemplate}.js`
        let mainCss = `dist/${frontMatter.pageTemplate}.css`
        let scripts: string[] = [ 
            `<script src="${tmp.relLink(relPath, mainJs)}"></script>` ]
        let styleSheets: string[] = [
            `<link rel="stylesheet" href="${tmp.relLink(relPath, mainCss)}" />` ]
        frontMatter.modules?.forEach(module => {
            let name = path.basename(module, '.ts')
            name = this.addEntry(name, module)
            let scriptFile = 'dist/' + name + '.js'
                `<script src="${tmp.relLink(relPath, scriptFile)}"></script>`)
        if (live)
        frontMatter.styles?.forEach(style => {
            let name = path.basename(style, '.css')
            name = this.addEntry(name, style)
            let cssFile = 'dist/' + name + '.css'
                `<link rel="stylesheet" 
                    href="${tmp.relLink(relPath, cssFile)}" />`)
        return [scripts.join('\n'), styleSheets.join('\n')]

Add new entry to the bundled roots. If there is already an entry with the same name (but with different file), add a running number after the name and return it.

    private addEntry(name: string, file: string) {
        if (!Object.values(this.entries).includes(file)) {
            if (this.entries[name]) {
                let i = 1
                while (this.entries[name + i]) i++
                name = name + i
            this.entries[name] = file
        return name

Live Reloading

This script attached to the end of HTML pages handles live reloading.

    private liveReload = `
      function reloadLink(path) {
        for (const link of document.getElementsByTagName("link")) {
          const url = new URL(link.href)
          if ( == && url.pathname == path) {
            const next = link.cloneNode()
            next.href = path + '?' + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2)
            next.onload = () => link.remove()
            link.parentNode.insertBefore(next, link.nextSibling)
      function scriptLoaded(path) {
        for (const script of document.getElementsByTagName("script"))
          if (script.src) {
            const url = new URL(script.src)
            if ( == && url.pathname == path)
              return true
        return false
      let ls = new EventSource('/litscript')
      ls.onmessage = e => {
        let updated = JSON.parse(
        for (let i = 0; i < updated.length; ++i) {
          let path = updated[i]
          if (path.endsWith(".js")) {
            if (scriptLoaded(path))
              return location.reload()
          else if (path.endsWith(".html")) {
            if (path == location.pathname || 
              (path.endsWith("index.html") && 
                path.substring(0, path.length - 10) == location.pathname))
              return location.reload()
          else reloadLink(path)
      window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => ls.close())