Translating Input Files

A translator splits a file into markdown and code blocks. It scans the source file using any means necessary and builds a block list that can be then outputted to a file.

For weavers, we have a concrete class for each output format (MD or HTML), whereas translator are specialized for input format. We have a separate translator for TypeScript, Markdown, CSS/Less, etc. You can even write a new translator for an additional input format.

translators imports and exports
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import * as bt from './base-translator'
import * as tt from './ts-translator'
import * as mt from './md-translator'
import * as tht from './ts-html-translator'
import * as jdt from './jsdoc-translator'
import * as cfg from '../config'

export * from './base-translator'
export * from './ts-translator'
export * from './md-translator'
export * from './ts-html-translator'

Registering Translators

The constructor type is a function that returns a new translator.

export type TranslatorConstuctor = () => bt.Translator

Registered translators are stored in a dictionary whose key is a regex that matches the file extension(s) that the translator supports. Values are constructor functions.

type TranslatorMap = {
    [match: string]: TranslatorConstuctor

The built-in translators are already inserted to the dictionary.

const translators: TranslatorMap = {
    "\.md$": () => new mt.MdTranslator(),
    "\.((c|le|sc)ss|jsonc?)$": () => new jdt.JsDocTranslator()

To register a new translator call the following function. It just adds the constructor function to the dictionary.

export function registerTranslator(match: RegExp | string,
    createTranslator: TranslatorConstuctor) {
    translators[match.toString()] = createTranslator

Getting a Translator

To get an instance of a registered translator for a given input file call the getTranslator function. It handles TypeScript files separately, but for all other file types, it just goes through the dictionary and matches the file extension with the stored regex.

export function getTranslator(outputFile: bt.OutputFile,
    checker?: ts.TypeChecker, outputMap?: bt.OutputFileMap): bt.Translator {
    if (outputFile.sourceKind == bt.SourceKind.other) {
        for (const match in translators) 
            if (translators.hasOwnProperty(match) &&
                new RegExp(match).test(outputFile.source.fileName))
                return translators[match]()
        throw new Error("Translator not registered for file: " + 
    else if (cfg.getOptions().outputFormat == 'html')
        return new tht.TsHtmlTranslator(checker, outputMap)
        return new tt.TsTranslator()