Translating TypeScript Files

This module contains common code needed for translating TypeScript files into block lists. It works as a stand-alone translator for markdown output, and as a base class for translator used in context of HTML output.

ts-translator imports
import * as path from 'path'
import * as ts from 'typescript'
import * as bl from '../block-list'
import * as bt from './base-translator'
import * as reg from '../region'
import * as dg from '../dependency-graph'
import * as cfg from '../config'
export class TsTranslator extends bt.Translator {

Regions can be nested, thus, a stack of open regions is maintained in an array.

    private regions: reg.Region[]

Processing Source Files

TypeScript files are processed by traversing the leafs of the abstract syntax tree (AST) in order. We are deliberately skipping the nonterminals because we only want to output the source fragments. TypeScript compiler provides us the JSDoc comments already concatenated and cleaned up. This saves us from the work of parsing them.

However, we still need to check the trivia fragments ignored by the TypeScript parser, because they contain normal comments and processing instructions which we want to show and process. To do this, we maintain a position in the source file in the prevEnd variable. The variable contains the ending position of the previous AST node. If the current node lies on a further position, we know that there is some trivia in between that we need to parse.

    protected createBlocks() {
        this.regions = []
        let srcFile = this.outputFile.source as ts.SourceFile
        let module = dg.addModule(cfg.getBaseRelativePath(srcFile.fileName),
        let src = srcFile.getFullText()
        let prevEnd = 0
        for (const node of this.iterateAst(srcFile)) {
            let start = node.getStart(srcFile)
            if (start > prevEnd)
                this.parseTrivia(src.slice(prevEnd, start))
            if (ts.isJSDoc(node)) {
                let inner = <string>(<ts.JSDoc>node).comment
                this.splitMdFile(inner, srcFile.fileName)
            else {
                let text = node.getText(srcFile)
                this.appendCode(node, text)
                this.checkDependency(module, node, text)
            prevEnd = node.getEnd()

Updating Dependency Graph

While traversing the AST, we check if we encounter import or export statements. When we do, we add a dependendency to the graph. We need to normalize the name of the imported module, so we remove the quotes from it and make its path relative to the base directory.

    private checkDependency(module: dg.Module, node: ts.Node, text: string) {
        if (node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral && node.parent &&
            (node.parent.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration || 
            node.parent.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration)) {
            let fileName = text.replace(/['"]+/g, '')
            if ([".", ".."].includes(path.basename(fileName)))
                fileName += "/index"
            if (fileName[0] == '.' || fileName[0] == '/' || fileName[0] == '\\')
                fileName = cfg.getBaseRelativePath(path.resolve(
                    path.dirname(this.outputFile.source.fileName), fileName))
            dg.addDependency(module, fileName)

Iterating the AST

AST iteration is implemented as a recursive generator. It traverses the tree in post-order (children are processed before their parents) and checks for each node, if it is of a correct type. Iteration only returns JSDoc nodes, tokens, and identifiers, i.e. the nonterminals of the abstract syntax tree.

    private *iterateAst(root: ts.Node): Iterable<ts.Node> {
        function validNode(node: ts.Node) {
            return ts.isJSDoc(node) || ts.isToken(node) || ts.isIdentifier(node)
        let srcFile = this.outputFile.source as ts.SourceFile
        for (let i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(srcFile); ++i)
            for (let node of this.iterateAst(root.getChildAt(i, srcFile)))
                if (validNode(node))
                    yield node
        if (validNode(root))
            yield root

Parsing Trivia

Whitespace, comments and directives that are not included in the AST are called trivia. The method below gets a piece of trivia (no pun intended) and runs a regex to extract comments from it. If it finds a "normal" single-line or multi-line comment, it outputs it as code. The method has to be quite careful to preserve the whitespace in the code and output the text not inside comments as-is.

    private parseTrivia(text: string) {
        this.scan(text, /(\/\/([^\r\n]*))|(\/\*(.*)\*\/)/gs,
            match => {
                if (match[1]) {
                    if (!this.isRegionMarker(match[2]))
                        this.appendSingleLineComment(match[1], match[2])
                    this.appendMultiLineComment(match[3], match[4])
            t => this.currBlock.append(t))

Creating Regions

The isRegionMarker method checks if a single line comment contains a #region or #endregion directive and opens or closes a region if it finds either. It returns true, if a region directive was found.

    private isRegionMarker(inner: string): boolean {
        let startRegionRE = /^\s*#region\s+(-h|-c)?(.*)$/
        let endRegionRE = /^\s*#endregion($|\s)/
        let mt: RegExpExecArray
        if (mt = startRegionRE.exec(inner)) {
            this.openRegion(mt[1], mt[2].trim())
            return true
        else if (mt = endRegionRE.exec(inner)) {
            return true
        return false

A region can have an additional flag which controls whether it is included in the output or not. There are three options:

  1. With no flags the text and code inside the region is shown normally in the output.
  2. With the -c flag the region is collapsed by default. This is implemented using a <details> tag. This is of course a HTML feature, but it works also on GitHub wiki. So, it is implemented here and not in the TsHtmlTranslator subclass.
  3. A region with the -h flag is hidden in output. This is also implemented as HTML using comment tags, so it works with markdown wikis.
    private openRegion(flags: string, regionName: string) {
        let vis = reg.Visibility.Visible
        if (flags) {
            if (flags[1] == 'c') {
                this.appendMarkdown(`\n\n<details>\n<summary>${regionName ||
                    "Click to show / hide..."}</summary>\n\n`)
                vis = reg.Visibility.Collapsed
            else {
                vis = reg.Visibility.Hidden
        let of = this.outputFile
        this.regions.push(reg.Region.add(regionName, this.currBlock,
            (of.source as ts.SourceFile).fileName, of.relTargetPath, vis))

When a region is closed we pop it from the stack and append the appropriate closing tag to the output, if the region is collapsed or hidden.

    private closeRegion() {
        let region = this.regions.pop()
        if (region.visibility == reg.Visibility.Visible)
        else {
            if (region.visibility == reg.Visibility.Collapsed)