Main Program

The main program is very simple. It just parses the command line arguments and calls the Weaver class that does the actual work.

namespace LiterateCS
	using System;
	using CommandLine;
	using LiterateCS.Theme;

The main class is imaginatively named as Program.

	class Program
		static int Main (string[] args)

Command Line Parsing

First we create a command line parser and configure it to be case insensitive.

			var cmdLineParser = new Parser (settings =>
				settings.CaseSensitive = false;
				settings.HelpWriter = Console.Out;

Then we parse the command line options into an object that contains the settings. We use the settings read from the defaults.yml file to initialize the Options object.

If the parsing fails, the parser will output usage information automatically after which we terminate the program with exit code 0.

				var defaultOptions = new Lazy<Options> (Options.LoadFromDefaultsFile);
				cmdLineParser.ParseArguments (() => defaultOptions.Value, args)
					.WithParsed (GenerateDocumentation);
				return 0;
			catch (LiterateException le)

If some parameters are wrong, we get a LiterateException for those errors. The exception can output itself cleanly by overriding the ToString method. We exit with error code 1.

				Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
				Console.WriteLine (le);
				Console.ResetColor ();
				return 1;
			catch (Exception e)

If an unexpected exception is thrown during the process, its error message is outputted and the program is terminated with an error code 2.

				Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
				Console.WriteLine ("Unexpected error in document generation:");
				Console.WriteLine (e.Message);
				Console.ResetColor ();
				Console.WriteLine (e.StackTrace);
				if (e.InnerException != null)
					Console.WriteLine ("Inner exception:");
					Console.WriteLine (e.InnerException.Message);
					Console.WriteLine (e.InnerException.StackTrace);
				return 2;

This code block is used as an example on how to embed code into markdown files.


Generating Documentation

If the parsing succeeds, CommandLineParser library will call the GenerateDocumentation method with the parsed options.

		private static void GenerateDocumentation (Options options)

First we output the effective options we are going to use. This helps the user to see what options were picked form defaults.yml file.

			options.OutputEffectiveOptions ();

Then we create a Weaver object and call its Generate method to generate the documentation according to the options.

			var weaver = options.Format == OutputFormat.html ?
				new HtmlWeaver (options) :
				(Weaver)new MdWeaver (options);
			weaver.GenerateDocumentation ();

That's all! To see how the documentation generation actually works, jump to the Weaver class.