Front Matter

All of the input files may contain a special block called front matter at the very beginning of them. The front matter is a YAML block that contains metadata related to the input file or to the whole project. It is a collection of string properties that is passed to the theme assembly for controlling the HTML generation.

Typically the front matter looks something like this:

ProjectName: LiterateCS
Footer: Copyright (c) 2018 Tommi Johtela
ShowDescriptionsInToc: true
SyntaxHighlight: son-of-obsidian

It is delimited by three hyphens --- and it must start on the first line of a markdown or C# file. No other text may appear before it, excluding the comment start token /* when it appears in a C# file.

Default Settings

For some of the properties you probably want to set a same value for all files. You don't need to duplicate these settings in every input file. Rather, define them in the defaults.yml file, so they will be processed before any of the input files are read. It is still possible to override properties on individual files, if you like.

The format of the defaults.yml file is exactly the same as for the front matter including the three hyphens --- at the beginning and the end. These separate the YAML documents inside the file.

Available Properties

The list of available properties depends on the theme used. The properties available in the default theme are listed below. Property names and values are case-insensitive, so they can be typed using any convention: lowercase, uppercase, Camel case, Pascal case, etc.

Template (string)

The name of the template used for producing the HTML page. This setting is theme-dependent. In the default theme, the possible choices are:

  • Default - Default template for documentation pages.
  • Landing - Template for the landing page.

Depending on the template used, a property might be relevant or not. The list of supported parameters available in the default theme is shown in the table below. The columns indicate if a parameter is supported by a specific template.

Parameter Default Landing
ProjectName * *
Logo * *
GitHub * *
Download * *
NuGet * *
License * *
Footer * *
MarkdownStyle *
ShowDescriptionsInToc *
SyntaxHighlight *
UseDiagrams *
DiagramStyle *
UseMath *
Jumbotron *

ProjectName (string)

The name of the project that is shown in the toolbar of the HTML pages.

Logo (string)

A relative path to the image logo that is shown along with the project name. The image is scaled so that its height is 24 pixels.

GitHub (URL)

The URL of the project in GitHub. The link is shown as a button in the toolbar.

Download (URL)

The URL of the project download page. The link is shown as a button in the toolbar.

NuGet (URL)

The URL of the project NuGet page. The link is shown as a button in the toolbar.

License (string)

The name of the license file with the relative path and extension. The license file is assumed to be located under the project directory. The link is shown as a button in the toolbar.

The text shown in the footer of the HTML pages.

BootstrapStyle (string)

The name of the stylesheet used with the Bootstrap library. The available styles in the default theme are (click a style to see its preview):

MarkdownStyle (string)

The name of the CSS style sheet that is used for markdown formatting. The available styles in the default theme are:

  • book - The default style with serif fonts.
  • modern - Uses the Lucida font family.
  • plain - Simplistic style with sans serif fonts.

ShowDescriptionsInToc (true/false)

Control whether the description of a page is shown along with the page title in the table of contents shown in the side bar. Off by default.

SyntaxHighlight (string)

The name of the CSS style sheet that is used for syntax highlighting. The available syntax highlighting schemes in the default theme are:

  • monokai (default) - Dark theme used in many text editors.
  • coding-horror - Light theme inspired by the Coding Horror blog.
  • solarized-light - Solarized theme used in many text editors.
  • son-of-obsidian - The most popular color scheme in studiostyles.

UseDiagrams (true/false)

Diagram support is off by default. This is because enabling it increases page loading times. If you want to include diagrams in your documentation, set this property to true. For more information refer to the Tips & Tricks page.

DiagramStyle (string)

The name of CSS style file used by the mermaid diagramming library. The default theme includes all style files that come out-of-the-box with the library:

  • mermaid (default) - Default light blue theme.
  • mermaid.dark - A slightly darker blue theme.
  • mermaid.forest - Green-colored theme.

UseMath (true/false)

As with diagrams, support for mathematical formulas is disabled by default. The default theme uses the MathJax library to render the formulas, and since it is a big library, loading it takes some time. To enable the math support, set this property to true. For more information refer to the Tips & Tricks page.

_Jumbotron (markdown)

The contents of the jumbotron pane of the landing page. All the parameters that start with underscore _ will be translated to HTML automatically.