
LiterateCS runs on top of the .NET 6. It is distributed as a Nuget package and deployed as .NET global tool. This makes it easy to install, uninstall, and update.


Before installing LiterateCS, make sure that you have .NET SDK version 6.0 or newer installed. If you don't have it already, you can dowload it from here.


To install LiterateCS, open a command prompt (PowerShell or classic version) and type:

> dotnet tool install -g literatecs

This downloads the tool from and installs it in the folder $HOME/.dotnet/tools/.store/literatecs by default. It also creates an executable into $HOME/.dotnet/tools that should be already in your search path.

To verify that LiterateCS is correctly installed you can type:

> literatecs --help

This should print the help screen showing the available command line options.

To see what other global tools you have installed, you can run:

> dotnet tool list -g

This shows you all the currently installed .NET core global tools.

Note: Contrary to what the name "global tools" suggests, they are actually user-specific. They are not visible to other users of the computer. This is obvious when you know that the installation directory is under the home directory.


Uninstallation is easy. Just type:

> dotnet tool uninstall -g literatecs

This removes all the files previously installed.


Updating to a new version is also a simple matter:

> dotnet tool update -g literatecs

This checks for the newer version of the tool in Nuget repository and if one is found, downloads and installs it.

Installing Project Template

Optionally, you can also install the project template for creating C# projects that readily contain the metadata used by LiterateCS. To install the project template use the following command:

> dotnet new -i LiterateCS.Templates.LiterateLib.CSharp

After that you can create a new literate project with:

> dotnet new literatelib

If you don't like the project template, you can uninstall with the -u option.

> dotnet new -u LiterateCS.Templates.LiterateLib.CSharp