
Macros are sequences of blocks that can be inserted inside markdown files. They correspond to C# regions. To create a macro, a block of code should be surrounded with the #region directive. The name of the region is used as the macro name. Since macro names should be unique, it is disallowed to have two regions with the same name.

The Macro class defines the data structure that is used to store macros. It implements the IEnumerable<BlockList> interface to allow iterating though the blocks belonging to a macro.

namespace LiterateCS
	using LiterateCS.Theme;
	using System;
	using System.Collections;
	using System.Collections.Generic;

	public class Macro : IEnumerable<BlockList>

Fields of a Macro

Macros are stored in a linked list in the same way as BlockList data structures. The only pieces of data we need to store for a macro are its name, the first block belonging to it Start, and the end marker block End. The end marker is the first block that does not belong to the macro. If the end marker is null, then the macro includes all the blocks until the end of a file.

		public string Name { get; private set; }
		public BlockList Start { get; set; }
		public BlockList End { get; set; }
		public string DefinedInFile { get; set; }

Macros are stored in a static dictionary, whose keys are macro names.

		private static Dictionary<string, Macro> _macros =
			new Dictionary<string, Macro> ();

The constructor is private. Macros should be created with the static Add method.

		private Macro (string name, BlockList start, BlockList end, 
			string definedInFile)
			Name = name;
			Start = start;
			End = end;
			DefinedInFile = definedInFile;

IEnumerable Implementation

Iterator is used to implement IEnumerable<BlockList> interface.

		public IEnumerator<BlockList> GetEnumerator ()
			for (var block = Start; 
				block != null & block != End; 
				block = block.Next)
				yield return block;

		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
			return GetEnumerator ();

Creating a Macro

The Add method is used to create a new macro. The method throws an exception if a macro with the given name is already registered.

		public static Macro Add (string name, BlockList start, BlockList end,
			string definedInFile)
			name = name.Trim ();
			if (_macros.TryGetValue (name, out var macro))
				throw new LiterateException (
					string.Format ("Macro '{0}' is already defined in file: {1}\n" + 
					"You cannot have two macros/regions with the same name.", name, 
					macro.DefinedInFile), definedInFile, 
			var result = new Macro (name, start, end, definedInFile);
			_macros.Add (name, result);
			return result;

Retrieving a Macro

The Get method is used to find and return a macro. It throws an exception, if a macro with the given name is not found.

		public static Macro Get (string name, string usedInFile)
			name = name.Trim ();
			if (!_macros.ContainsKey (name))
				throw new LiterateException (string.Format (
					"Macro '{0}' is not defined. " +
					"Make sure you have a region with that name defined in your source\n" +
					"file and that you have included it in the input filters.", name), 
					usedInFile, "");
			return _macros[name];