Tuple Extension

The last set of extensions concerns tuples. These are mainly convenience methods making the code manipulating tuples easier and clearer.

namespace ExtensionCord
	using System;
	using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

	public static class TupleExt

Return the First and Second Item

The members of the tuple are named pretty confusingly as ItemN where N is the index of the item. When these names are used in code they get easily mixed up, and the code becomes hard to read. An easy solution to this problem is to add replacement functions that have better names.

		public static T First<T, U> (this Tuple<T, U> tuple)
			return tuple.Item1;

		public static U Second<T, U> (this Tuple<T, U> tuple)
			return tuple.Item2;

Swapping the Items

The code for swapping items is not particularly long, but its intent might not be clear. So, we define an extension method which name tells exactly what operation is performed.

		public static Tuple<U, T> Swap<T, U> (this Tuple<T, U> tuple)
			return Tuple.Create (tuple.Item2, tuple.Item1);