Generic Parameter List

Collection initializers allow easy creation of collection classes. The secret sauce that makes a class support collection initializers is to make the class implement IEnumerable and then define the Add method in it. If these two things are implemented, you can initialize your collection in the same way as built-in collection types.

The Params class is designed to be a base class for any list of parameters. The parameter name and value types are generic, and there are practically no restrictions about what can be stored in the Params class. But as the keys and values are stored in a list, the class should not be used if efficient retrieval based on keys is required. In that case, dictionary is a better option.

namespace ExtensionCord
	using System;
	using System.Collections.Generic;

	public class Params<T, U> : IEnumerable<Tuple<T, U>>

Internal Storage

The parameters are stored in a list of tuples. The list is created in the default constructor.

		private List<Tuple<T, U>> _parameters;

		public Params ()
			_parameters = new List<Tuple<T, U>> ();

Adding New Parameters

The add method is trivial. The method isn't called explicitly, instead the compiler generates code that calls it when collection initializer is used.

		public void Add (T parameter, U value)
			_parameters.Add (Tuple.Create (parameter, value));

Retrieving a Parameter Value

The indexer property can be used to retrieve a parameter value, if key is given. The implementation linearly searches for a matching parameter, so its time complexity is O(n).

		public U this[T parameter]
				return _parameters.FindLast (p => p.Equals (parameter)).Item2;

IEnumerable Implementation

The implementation for IEnumerable is also trivial, it just delegates everything to the List class.

		public IEnumerator<Tuple<T, U>> GetEnumerator ()
			return _parameters.GetEnumerator ();

		System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
			return GetEnumerator ();