Reflection Extensions

The ReflectionExt class provides few extensions useful with reflection objects.

namespace ExtensionCord
	using System;
	using System.Linq;
	using System.Reflection;

	public static class ReflectionExt

Get Member Attribute

The following method should really be inside .NET framework in the first place. It returns an attribute of specified type given the reflection info for a member. If an attribute with specified type is not found, null is retuned.

		public static T GetAttribute<T> (this MemberInfo mi) where T : Attribute
			if (mi == null)
				return null;
			var attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (T), true);
			return attrs == null || attrs.None () ? null : attrs.Cast<T> ().Single ();

Is Object an Instance of a Generic Type

The method below checks if the object int the first argument position is an instance of generic type whose reflection info is given in the second argument.

		public static bool IsInstanceOfGenericType (this object obj, Type type)
			return obj.GetType ().GetGenericTypeDefinition () == type;