Extensions for Objects

The most general set of extension methods in this library is defined here. The methods in this class can be used basically with any .NET type.

namespace ExtensionCord
	using System.Linq;

	public static class ObjectExt

Value in Set

Testing if a value is in a specified set is usually done by a long and repetitive if statement of the form:

if (<variable> == <value1> || 
	<variable> == <value2> || 
	<variable> == <value3> || 

By using the extension method below the test simplifies to:

if (<variable>.In (<value1>, <value2>, <value3>, ...))		
		public static bool In<T> (this T obj, params T[] alternatives)
			return alternatives.Contains (obj);

Check for Default Value

To generically set whether a value or reference is set to default or vice versa, one can use the following methods.

		public static bool IsDefault<T> (this T obj)
			return obj.Equals (default (T));

		public static bool NotDefault<T> (this T obj)
			return !obj.Equals (default (T));