Testing JSON Parser

To manually test the parser enter or paste some JSON to the text box below. Try also add comments anywhere inside JSON.

Manually entering test data becomes boring soon, so we'll again use fast-check to automate test case generation. In this case we can use the built-in combinator that generates arbitrary JSON data. So, our job is made easy for us.

import { parseJson } from "./jsonparser"
import { test } from "lits-extras/lib/tester"
import * as fc from "fast-check"

We should get interesting test data. You can check the test cases below.

Using JSON.parse as the baseline for our parser, we can check that it and our parsing functions produce identical JavaScript objects. We use the deepEqual assertion to check that.

test("Test arbitrary JSON data", async t =>
        fc.property(fc.json(), str => {
            let obj1 = JSON.parse(str)
            let obj2 = parseJson(str)
            t.deepEqual(obj2, obj1, JSON.stringify(obj2) + 
                " should be deep equal to " + JSON.stringify(obj1))