This module contains additional combinators that are useful when parsing sequences or expressions. They are adapted from the original Parsec library.
import * as par from "./parser"
We use a trick described
to add the functions we define to the Parser<T, S>
declare module './parser' {
export interface Parser<T, S> {
oneOrMoreSeparatedBy<U>(separator: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T[], S>
zeroOrMoreSeparatedBy<U>(separator: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T[], S>
followedBy<U>(after: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T, S>
surroundedBy<U>(surround: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T, S>
bracketedBy<U, V>(open: Parser<U, S>, close: Parser<V, S>): Parser<T, S>
chainOneOrMore(operation: Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>): Parser<T, S>
chainZeroOrMore(operation: Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>, value: T):
Parser<T, S>
Type definition for a binary function that has the same domain and range type.
export type BinaryOp<T> = (x: T, y: T) => T
Parse an array containing at least one element. The items of the array are
recognized by parser
. The items are separated by input recognized by
. The function returns an array of parsed elements.
par.Parser.prototype.oneOrMoreSeparatedBy = function<T, U, S>(
this: par.Parser<T, S>, separator: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T[], S> {
return this.bind(
x => separator.seq(this).zeroOrMore().bind(
xs => par.mret([x].concat(xs))))
Parse a potentially empty array. The items of the array are recognized by
. The items are separated by input recognized by separator
par.Parser.prototype.zeroOrMoreSeparatedBy = function<T, U, S>(
this: par.Parser<T, S>, separator: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T[], S> {
return this.oneOrMoreSeparatedBy(separator).or(par.mret([]))
Parse item(s) followed by a terminator given in the after
parser. The
result of parser
is returned, and result of after
is ignored.
par.Parser.prototype.followedBy = function<T, U, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
after: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
return this.bind(p => after.bind(_ => par.mret(p)))
Parse item(s) surrounded by input recognized by the surround
parser. The
result of parser
is returned.
par.Parser.prototype.surroundedBy = function<T, U, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
surround: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
return surround.bind(
o => this.bind(
p => surround.bind(
c => par.mret(p))))
Parse item(s) surrounded by an open and closing bracket. The result parser
is returned.
par.Parser.prototype.bracketedBy = function<T, U, V, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
open: par.Parser<U, S>, close: par.Parser<V, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
return open.bind(
o => this.bind(
p => close.bind(
c => par.mret(p))))
Parse one or more occurrences of parser
, separated by operation
Return a value obtained by a left associative application of all functions
returned by operation
to the values returned by parser
. This parser can
for example be used to eliminate left recursion which typically occurs in
expression grammars.
par.Parser.prototype.chainOneOrMore = function<T, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
operation: par.Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
return this.bind(
x => operation.bind(
f => this.bind(
y => par.mret([f, y] as [BinaryOp<T>, T]))).zeroOrMore().bind(
fys => par.mret(fys.reduce((z, [f, y]) => f(z, y), x))))
Parse zero or more occurrences of parser
, separated by operation
Return a value obtained by a left associative application of all functions
returned by operation
to the values returned by parser
. If there are
zero occurrences of parser
, the value
is returned.
par.Parser.prototype.chainZeroOrMore = function<T, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
operation: par.Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>, value: T): par.Parser<T, S> {
return this.chainOneOrMore(operation).or(par.mret(value))
Construct a parser for operator selection. Used typically in conjunction
with chain*
export function operators<T, U, S>(...ops: [par.Parser<T, S>, U][]):
par.Parser<U, S> {
return par.any([p, o]) => => o)))