Combinators for Parsing Arrays and Expressions

This module contains additional combinators that are useful when parsing sequences or expressions. They are adapted from the original Parsec library.

import * as par from "./parser"

We use a trick described here to add the functions we define to the Parser<T, S> class.

declare module './parser' {
    export interface Parser<T, S> {
        oneOrMoreSeparatedBy<U>(separator: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T[], S>
        zeroOrMoreSeparatedBy<U>(separator: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T[], S>
        followedBy<U>(after: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T, S>
        surroundedBy<U>(surround: Parser<U, S>): Parser<T, S>
        bracketedBy<U, V>(open: Parser<U, S>, close: Parser<V, S>): Parser<T, S>
        chainOneOrMore(operation: Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>): Parser<T, S>
        chainZeroOrMore(operation: Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>, value: T):
            Parser<T, S>

Type definition for a binary function that has the same domain and range type.

export type BinaryOp<T> = (x: T, y: T) => T

Parsing Separated Lists

Parse an array containing at least one element. The items of the array are recognized by parser. The items are separated by input recognized by separator. The function returns an array of parsed elements.

par.Parser.prototype.oneOrMoreSeparatedBy = function<T, U, S>(
    this: par.Parser<T, S>, separator: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T[], S> {
    return this.bind(
        x => separator.seq(this).zeroOrMore().bind(
        xs => par.mret([x].concat(xs))))

Parse a potentially empty array. The items of the array are recognized by parser. The items are separated by input recognized by separator.

par.Parser.prototype.zeroOrMoreSeparatedBy = function<T, U, S>(
    this: par.Parser<T, S>, separator: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T[], S> {
    return this.oneOrMoreSeparatedBy(separator).or(par.mret([]))

Terminators & Brackets

Parse item(s) followed by a terminator given in the after parser. The result of parser is returned, and result of after is ignored.

par.Parser.prototype.followedBy = function<T, U, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
    after: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
    return this.bind(p => after.bind(_ => par.mret(p)))

Parse item(s) surrounded by input recognized by the surround parser. The result of parser is returned.

par.Parser.prototype.surroundedBy = function<T, U, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
    surround: par.Parser<U, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
    return surround.bind(
        o => this.bind(
        p => surround.bind(
        c => par.mret(p))))

Parse item(s) surrounded by an open and closing bracket. The result parser is returned.

par.Parser.prototype.bracketedBy = function<T, U, V, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
    open: par.Parser<U, S>, close: par.Parser<V, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
    return open.bind(
        o => this.bind(
        p => close.bind(
        c => par.mret(p))))

Parsing Expressions

Parse one or more occurrences of parser, separated by operation. Return a value obtained by a left associative application of all functions returned by operation to the values returned by parser. This parser can for example be used to eliminate left recursion which typically occurs in expression grammars.

par.Parser.prototype.chainOneOrMore = function<T, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
    operation: par.Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>): par.Parser<T, S> {
    return this.bind(
        x => operation.bind(
            f => this.bind(
            y => par.mret([f, y] as [BinaryOp<T>, T]))).zeroOrMore().bind(
        fys => par.mret(fys.reduce((z, [f, y]) => f(z, y), x))))

Parse zero or more occurrences of parser, separated by operation. Return a value obtained by a left associative application of all functions returned by operation to the values returned by parser. If there are zero occurrences of parser, the value is returned.

par.Parser.prototype.chainZeroOrMore = function<T, S>(this: par.Parser<T, S>,
    operation: par.Parser<BinaryOp<T>, S>, value: T): par.Parser<T, S> {
    return this.chainOneOrMore(operation).or(par.mret(value))

Construct a parser for operator selection. Used typically in conjunction with chain* functions.

export function operators<T, U, S>(...ops: [par.Parser<T, S>, U][]): 
    par.Parser<U, S> {
    return par.any([p, o]) => => o)))