
Finally we can present the properties themselves. We define properties as another incarnation of monads. They are generic functions that take the test state as an argument and return a value of the generic type and information about whether the execution was successful or not.

A property is essentially an abstract concept, which can be implemented in various ways, and composed using combinators. Monadic operators provide us the tools that allow easily extending the concept in whatever direction we choose.

namespace LinqCheck
	using System;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	using System.Linq;
	using System.Linq.Expressions;
	using System.Diagnostics;
	using ExtensionCord;

Test Result

If a property returns a value without throwing an exception, it has either succeeded or discarded the test case (when a specified precondition was not met). The TestResult enumeration specifies which case is in question.

	public enum TestResult	{ Succeeded, Discarded };

When a property fails, it throws an exception. The exception contains the necessary information about the reason of the failure.

The Prop Delegate

Properties have the type Prop<T>, which is declared below. It is a monadic delegate type that represents an arbitrarily complex expression. The expression is composed of various parts that generate random data, constrain it, compute derived variables, and classify test cases.

As with all monads we begin with simple constructs and build more complex ones using the combinators. The recommended way of writing a property expression is to use LINQ syntax, which makes the expression easier to read and write.

	public delegate Tuple<TestResult, T> Prop<T> (TestState state);

A property returns a pair of values. The first one tells if the property is passed or discarded, the second one contains the actual value that property produced. The state of the test is passed along in the parameter. Monadic operations hide the state from the user. So in practice, the user does not have to care about the state at all.

We define the monadic operations in a static class named Prop.

	public static class Prop

Transforming a Value to Property

The most basic monadic operation return, is named as ToProp. It takes a value and wraps it in the Prop delegate. The method cannot fail, so it always returns Succeeded.

		public static Prop<T> ToProp<T> (this T value)
			return state => Tuple.Create (TestResult.Succeeded, value);

A reverse operation of ToProp is Fail, which throws an exception. It can be used to explicitly fail a property.

		public static Prop<T> Fail<T> (this T value)
			return state => throw new PropertyFailed<T> (state.Label, value);

The third way to transform a value into a property is to discard it.

		public static Prop<T> Discard<T> (this T value)
			return state => Tuple.Create (TestResult.Discarded, value);

Implementing bind

Now we have three implementations for the return operation, so next we need to implement the monadic bind. It calls the first property and checks that it succeeds. If it does, bind passes the produced state to the next property and returns it result.

The implementation is a slightly complicated version of maybe monad, one of the simplest examples in the world of monads.

		public static Prop<U> Bind<T, U> (this Prop<T> prop, Func<T, Prop<U>> func)
			return state =>
				var res = prop (state);
				if (res.Item1 == TestResult.Succeeded)
					return func (res.Item2) (state);
				return Tuple.Create (TestResult.Discarded, default (U));

Generating an Arbitrary Value

Usually we begin a property by generating an arbitrary value. The ForAll method takes an instance of the IArbitrary interface and returns a value of type T. How the value is computed depends on the phase we are in.

If we are in the generation phase, then we use the generator embedded in the IArbitrary interface to generate a new random value. If we are in the shrinking phase, however, then we use the value stored in the TestState object.

If we are just starting to shrink the values, then we call the Shrink method in the arbitrary object to produce the alternative values. Note that we automatically append the original (failed) value to the enumerable, so IArbitrary implementations do not have to do that themselves.

		public static Prop<T> ForAll<T> (this IArbitrary<T> arbitrary)
			return state => 
				T value;

				if (state.Phase == TestPhase.Generate)
					value = arbitrary.Generate (state.Random, state.Size);
					state.Values.Add (value);
					value = (T)state.Values [state.CurrentValue++];
					if (state.Phase == TestPhase.StartShrink)
						state.ShrunkValues.Add (
							arbitrary.Shrink (value).Append (value).Cast<object> ());
				return Tuple.Create (TestResult.Succeeded, value);

The other version of the ForAll method can be called without specifying the IArbitrary instance. The method uses the default arbitrary implementation that is registered for the given type.

		public static Prop<T> ForAll<T> ()
			return ForAll (Arbitrary.Get<T> ());

Generating a Dependent Random Value

Sometimes we need to generate a random value which depends on an already generated variable. For example, if we generate a random list and want to choose an item inside the list in random. In that case we cannot shrink the item, since the shrunk version will probably not be an item in the list.

What we need is a method which, for a given TestState, always generates the same (pseudo-random) value. The Any method does just that. It takes a generator and calls it with an instance of Random class, which is initialized with the seed stored in the test state. Thus it produces the same value in the generation and shrinking phase. This ensures that the shrinking works deterministically, and that the failing test case is not lost.

		public static Prop<T> Any<T> (this Gen<T> gen)
			return state => Tuple.Create (TestResult.Succeeded, gen (
				new Random (state.Seed), state.Size));

Adding LINQ Support

Implementations of LINQ's Select and SelectMany methods are essentially identical to the ones in the Gen class. As mentioned in the chapter describing generators, when these methods are implemented in terms of bind operation, they are always the same.

		public static Prop<U> Select<T, U> (this Prop<T> prop, Func<T, U> select)
			return prop.Bind (a => select (a).ToProp ());

		public static Prop<V> SelectMany<T, U, V> (this Prop<T> prop,
			Func<T, Prop<U>> project, Func<T, U, V> select)
			return prop.Bind (a => project (a).Bind (b => select (a, b).ToProp ()));

Filtering Test Cases

LINQ's where clause is used to discard test cases. If the predicate returns false, we stop the evaluation and return back to beginning to try the next test case.

		public static Prop<T> Where<T> (this Prop<T> prop, Func<T, bool> predicate)
			return prop.Bind (value => predicate (value) ? 
				value.ToProp () : 
				value.Discard ());

The following combinator is mostly useful as an internal helper method. The combinator fails the property, if the specified predicate does not hold.

		public static Prop<T> FailIf<T> (this Prop<T> prop, Func<T, bool> predicate)
			return prop.Bind (value => predicate (value) ?
				value.ToProp () :
				value.Fail ());

Classifying Test Cases

We exploit LINQ's orderby clause to give the users a way to classify test cases. Although the group by clause would have had more relevant name for this operation, its signature does not fit our purposes. So, we use a somewhat misleading syntax, but otherwise the signature of OrderBy matches our requirements perfectly.

The classify parameter specifies a function that maps a test case to a value of type U. We don't care what the type U is, since we always convert the result of the function to string. We put the result to the dictionary stored in the test state, and accumulate the number of cases there.

		public static Prop<T> OrderBy<T, U> (this Prop<T> prop, Func<T, U> classify)
			return state => 
				var res = prop (state);
				var cl = classify (res.Item2).ToString ();
				if (state.Classes.TryGetValue (cl, out int cnt))
					state.Classes[cl] = cnt + 1;
					state.Classes.Add (cl, 1);
				return res;

Restricting and Extending Range of Generated Values

If you want to temporarily narrow or widen the range of values that the generators return, you can use the Restrict combinator. It stores the old value of the size parameter passed to generators, and sets a new value to the test state. After the inner property has been evaluated, it restores the old value.

		public static Prop<T> Restrict<T> (this Prop<T> prop, int size)
			return state =>
				var oldSize = state.Size;
				state.Size = size;
				var res = prop (state);
				state.Size = oldSize;
				return res;

Private Helpers

The following methods are private methods, not intended to be used in user code. They are used by the Check combinator, which is described at the end of this chapter.

Executing a Property

The Test method runs the specified property multiple times (by default 100 times) and returns true, if all the test iterations pass. In case any round throws a PropertyFailed exception, the execution immediately halts, and we return false. The method also counts the number of passed and discarded tests and maintains these counters in the test state.

        private static bool Test<T> (Prop<T> prop, int tries, TestState state)
				while (state.SuccessfulTests + state.DiscardedTests < tries)
					state.ResetValues ();

					switch (prop (state).Item1)
						case TestResult.Succeeded:
						case TestResult.Discarded:
			catch (PropertyFailed<T>) { return false; }
			return true;

Enumerating Shrunk Test Cases

When we have found a failed test case (Test method returned false), we shrink all the generated arbitrary values. This happens in the StartShrinking phase. After that we move on the actual Shrink phase where we try to find the simplest combination of variables which fails the property.

The arbitrary implementations for each type should return the shrunk values in the order of increasing complexity. We can stop right away when we encounter the first value that causes our property to fail. The problem is that we usually have more than one arbitrary value in a property. So, we actually have an exponential number of combinations to try, if we want to test all the solutions.

To make the shrinking process practical, we enumerate the solution candidates in a simplified manner. We basically iterate through each variable at a time, fixing the others. This means that our solution is not necessarily the simplest one. How close to the best (simplest) solution it is, depends on how much dependencies there are among the variables in the property.

The Candidates method returns an enumerable of shrunk variable assignments starting from the simplest and ending at the original, failed test case. Since we generate the shrunk values lazily, no unnecessary work is done in advance.

The implementation maintains a list of IEnumerator objects, which point to the current values in the enumerables returning the shrunk variables. We advance one enumerator at a time until we exhaust it, and then move on to the next variable.

		private static IEnumerable<List<object>> Candidates (
			List<IEnumerable<object>> shrunkValues)
			var current = shrunkValues.Select (e =>
					var res = e.GetEnumerator ();
					res.MoveNext ();
					return res;
				.ToList ();
			List<object> GetCurrentValues () => 
				current.Select (e => e.Current).ToList ();
			yield return GetCurrentValues ();

			for (int i = 0; i < current.Count; i++)
				while (current[i].MoveNext ())
					yield return GetCurrentValues ();

Finding the Simplest Failing Test Case

The Optimize method enumerates the candidates in order and calls Test to check whether they fail. The first candidate that fails is returned to the caller.

Note that we also catch all exceptions in the loop since shrunk values might cause properties to fail in unexpected ways. We ignore those errors in the context of shrinking.

		private static List<object> Optimize<T> (Prop<T> prop, 
			TestState state)
			foreach (var values in Candidates (state.ShrunkValues))
					if (Test (prop, 1, new TestState (TestPhase.Shrink,
						state.Seed, state.Size, state.Label, values,
						Console.Write (".");
						return values;
				catch (Exception) { }
			return state.Values;

Checking Properties

Finally, we provide a way to define the conditions that should hold for all the generated test cases, i.e. the actual properties. The Check extension method takes a property, a condition to be checked, number of test cases generated, and an optional label. Since this method captures the actual process of property based testing, let's examine it step-by-step.

		public static Prop<T> Check<T> (this Prop<T> prop, 
			Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition, int tries = 100, string label = null)

First we initialize the random seed, and the size (range) passed to generators.

			var seed = DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
			var size = 10;

If no label is specified, we use the string representation of the condition expression as a label. We utilize the Expression<T> class and C# compiler's feature that provides the abstract syntax tree for a lambda expression.

			label = label ?? condition.Body.ToString ();

Next we compile the expression and wrap it in the FailIf combinator. Now we have a property which will fail, if the specified condition is not true.

			var testProp = prop.FailIf (condition.Compile ());

Generation Phase

We initialize the test state, and begin the Generate phase by calling the Test helper method.

			var state = new TestState (TestPhase.Generate, seed, size, label);

			if (!Test<T> (testProp, tries, state))

Shrinking Phase

If Test returns false, we found a failing test case. That test case is stored in the test state. We report the failure to the user, and move on the StartShrink phase. Again we call Test, but this time it shrinks the values instead of generating new ones.

				Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
				Console.Write ("Falsifiable after {0} tests. Shrinking input.", 
					state.SuccessfulTests + 1);
				state = new TestState (TestPhase.StartShrink, seed, size, label,
					state.Values, new List<IEnumerable<object>> ());
				Test (testProp, 1, state);

We make sure that the number of shrunk variables is correct. This is done merely to verify that there are no issues with the shrinking implementations. Then we move on the Shrink phase by calling Optimize, which starts going through the shrunk test cases.

				Debug.Assert (state.Values.Count == state.ShrunkValues.Count);
				var optimized = Optimize (testProp, state);

Finally we fail one more time and let the exception escalate to the user code. Now we have the shrunk test case, and debugger will stop at the expression that caused the property to fail. If we are not in debugging mode, the exception is probably caught by the unit testing framework.

				Console.ResetColor ();
				state = new TestState (TestPhase.Shrink, seed, size, label, 
					optimized, null);
				testProp (state);

If we end up here, something went wrong because the calling the property again did not trigger the exception again. This is usually a symptom of an indeterministic property. If a property behaves differently sometimes when called with the same input, then it has side-effects. That is, its result depends on something else than its parameters. The only thing we can do is to report this to the user as an exception, and try to hint what might be wrong.

				throw new TestFailed (
					"The failed property was re-evaluated, but the error did " +
					" not reoccur. This probably means that the property has " + 
					" side effects which supress the error under some conditions " +
					"and make the test case undeterministic.");

If all generated test cases pass, we end up here. We report the successful property and number of passed vs. discarded cases to the user.

			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
			Console.WriteLine ("'{0}' passed {1} tests. Discarded: {2}", 
				state.Label, state.SuccessfulTests, state.DiscardedTests);

If the OrderBy combinator was used in the property, we have data in the Classes dictionary. We report the test case distribution to the user if that is the case.

			if (state.Classes.Count > 0)
				Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
				Console.WriteLine ("Test case distribution:");
				foreach (var cl in state.Classes)
					Console.WriteLine ("{0}: {1:p}", cl.Key, (double)cl.Value / tries);
			Console.ResetColor ();

Finally we return the original property, so that it can be chained to additional Check calls.

			return prop;

Concluding Remarks

We covered all the facilities required for defining and testing properties; all the machinery needed for performing property based testing is now introduced. The last thing to be presented is the built-in test runner, which is discussed in the last chapter.