Generating and Shrinking Arbitrary Values

Yin and yang

In implementing a property based testing library random data generation takes us only half way there. The full power of the technique is attained by implementing shrinking of values as well. If random generation is the yin of property based testing, then the yang is shrinking.

Shrinking, in practical terms, stands for the act of producing simpler versions of a generated value, which causes a property to fail. For example, assuming that number -123 causes our property to fail, shrinking first tries to replace it with zero, which is arguably the simplest of all numbers. If zero makes the test pass, then tries some numbers closer to zero and also the inverse until one of them makes the test fail again. If all the simpler alternatives pass the test, as a last resort, the original failing number is used.

The procedure is similar for compound data structures such as strings and collections; shrinking tries to remove elements from them, and then shrink each remaining element individually.

The point of all this is to create a simpler versions of the failing input data without loosing the characteristic that makes the property fail. In the same manner as random generation is used to find test cases that violate the specified properties, shrinking tries to systematically simplify the input to its most basic form.

We define the random generation and shrinking operations in the interface IArbitrary<T> which represents an arbitrary value of type T. An implementation of this interface needs to be provided for all the types we wish to generate in our properties.

namespace LinqCheck
	using System;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	using System.Linq;

	public interface IArbitrary<T>

The Generate property returns the generator for the type.

		Gen<T> Generate { get; }

The Shrink method provides shrunk versions of a value given as parameter. The list of alternatives is returned as an IEnumerable. The first alternative is the simplest form, and the following ones are each one step closer to the original. The original value is automatically appended at the end of the result when QuickCheck is calling the method. So, there is no need to return it when implementing the IArbitrary interface.

		IEnumerable<T> Shrink (T value);

Base Class for IArbitrary Implementations

We define also a base class that implements the IArbitrary<T> interface. This class mainly used internally in the LinqCheck library.

	public abstract class ArbitraryBase<T> : IArbitrary<T>
		public abstract Gen<T> Generate { get; }

The default implementation of Shrink returns an empty set of values. So, it actually performs no shrinking at all.

		public virtual IEnumerable<T> Shrink (T value)
			return Enumerable.Empty<T> ();

Wrapper Class for Arbitrary Values

The Arbitrary<T> class is meant to be used as a quick template for implementing the IArbitary<T> interface. It takes the generator and shrinker as parameters, and stores them in properties.

	public class Arbitrary<T> : ArbitraryBase<T>
		public readonly Gen<T> Generator;
		public readonly Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> Shrinker;

The simpler version of the constructor takes just the generator, and leaves the shrinker unassigned. No shrinking is thus performed for the generated values.

		public Arbitrary (Gen<T> generator)
			Generator = generator;

The preferred version of the constructor takes both generator and shrinker.

		public Arbitrary (Gen<T> generator, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> shrinker)
			Generator = generator;
			Shrinker = shrinker;

The implementation of Generate is trivial.

		public override Gen<T> Generate
			get { return Generator; }

The overridden implementation of the Shrink method reverts to the inherited (no shrinking) method, if no shrinker has been given.

		public override IEnumerable<T> Shrink (T value)
			return Shrinker == null ?
				base.Shrink (value) :
				Shrinker (value);

Extension Methods for IArbitrary

We define some additional operations for the IArbitrary interface as extension methods. Most of these methods concern registering and instantiating IArbitrary<T> implementations for different types. We use a simple Container to manage the registered types at runtime.

	public static class Arbitrary

The container is stored in a private, static variable. It is created in the static constructor. The built-in IArbitrary instances defined in the DefaultArbitrary class are registered, once the container is created.

		private static Container _container;

		static Arbitrary ()
			_container = new Container (typeof (IArbitrary<>));
			DefaultArbitrary.Register ();

Registering New IArbitrary Implementations

The following two methods register an implementation of IArbitrary for a given type. The type can be specified as a generic argument or as an instance of the Type class.

		public static void Register<T> (IArbitrary<T> arbitrary)
			_container.Register (arbitrary);

		public static void Register (Type type)
			_container.Register (type);

Getting the Registered Implementation

To retrieve a previously registered IArbitrary implementation, you can call the Get method. It gets the implementation from the container.

		public static IArbitrary<T> Get<T> ()
			return (IArbitrary<T>)_container.GetImplementation (typeof (T));

Helper Methods

The three methods below are defined for convenience. They are helper methods that can be used to generate or shrink an instance of a given type. The methods assume that an implementation of IArbitrary is registered for the type.

		public static Gen<T> Gen<T> ()
			return Get<T> ().Generate;

		public static T Generate<T> (Random rnd, int size)
			return Get<T> ().Generate (rnd, size);

		public static IEnumerable<T> Shrink<T> (T value)
			return Get<T> ().Shrink (value);


Lastly, we define some combinators which compose new IArbitrary implementations from existing ones. The SuchThat combinator restricts generated values by filtering out the ones that do not match a given predicate. The method tries 100 times to generate a value before giving up and throwing an exception. The reason for this is to avoid entering an infinite loop, if the predicate is too restrictive.

		public static IArbitrary<T> SuchThat<T> (this IArbitrary<T> arbitrary, 
			Func<T, bool> predicate)
			return new Arbitrary<T> (
				(rnd, size) =>
					T res;
					var tries = 0;
						res = arbitrary.Generate (rnd, size);
					while (!predicate (res) && ++tries < 100);
					if (tries >= 100)
						throw new ArgumentException ("Could not generate a " +
							"random value which satisfies the predicate.");
					return res;
				val => arbitrary.Shrink (val).Where (predicate));

The Convert combinator creates an implementation of IArbitary for a new type U given an existing implementation for type T. For this to work, we need to specify conversion functions from T to U and vice versa.

		public static IArbitrary<U> Convert<T, U> (this IArbitrary<T> arbitrary,
			Func<T, U> convertTtoU, Func<U, T> convertUtoT)
			return new Arbitrary<U> (
				from a in arbitrary.Generate
				select convertTtoU (a),
				a => from b in arbitrary.Shrink (convertUtoT (a))
					 select convertTtoU (b));