Running the Tests

The only thing left to do is to run all the test fixtures we built in the previous sections. As stated in the beginning, we have many options for a test runner; practically any of the unit testing frameworks will do. The simplest solution, though, is to use the built-in command line runner. It is typically called from the main method. The code below shows how to run the three test fixtures we defined previously.

namespace Examples
	using LinqCheck;
	using UITests;

	class RunTests
		static void Main (string[] args)

There are two variants of the test runner. RunTests will execute test methods without gathering any timing data. RunTestsTimed will record how long each test takes and show the elapsed time with the results. The output will appear in the console window. If you want it someplace else, use the standard > directive in the command line to redirect the output to a file, for example.

Both methods take a variable list of test fixtures as an argument. Just create an instance of each fixture and pass it to the methods.

			Tester.RunTestsTimed (
				new BasicTests (),
				new SeqTests (),
				new CalculatorTests ());


Hopefully you now got the basics on how property based testing is practiced with LinqCheck. Next we will jump to the implementation and cover all the concepts in LinqCheck's design.