
We craft the scanner and parser for AsciiMath by hand to make them efficient and compact. We use the "official" specification for the syntax from the AsciiMath home page. Parts where we diverge from it are described in the README page.


The scanner converts the input string into a stream of symbols or tokens. The symbols are defined in a big table at the end of this file. Scanner contains the following state:

The type for the character mapping table is defined below. It's content is described later in this file.

type CharTable = string[]

class Scanner {
    private input: string
    private symbols: SymbolTable
    private charTables: CharTable[] = []
    private escapePunctuation: boolean
    pos: number

Constructor initializes position to zero and sets the symbol table.

    constructor(input: string, symbols: SymbolTable, 
        escapePunctuation: boolean) {
        this.input = input
        this.symbols = symbols
        this.escapePunctuation = escapePunctuation
        this.pos = 0        

If we are at the end of input eof method returns true.

    eof(): boolean {
        return this.pos >= this.input.length

We skip spaces, tabs and linefeeds while scanning the input. Those characters are simply ignored and do not affect the output. This method returns the index where the next token starts. It returns a negative number, if we are go past the end of input string.

    skipWhitespace(): number {
        while (this.pos < this.input.length && /\s/.test(this.input[this.pos]))
        return this.pos < this.input.length ? this.pos : -1

To avoid backtracking or storing lot of context information, we sometimes need to peek what the next symbol is without consuming any input. The peekSymbol method returns the next symbol in the input string and the input position to we need to set to skip the symbol.

Scanners skips whitespace preceding a symbol. We return a negative position, if we are ath the end of input, and a special eof symbol.

    peekSymbol(): [Symbol, number] {
        let pos = this.skipWhitespace()
        if (pos < 0)
            return [eof(), pos]
        let curr = this.input[pos]

Check if input is a text "..." string enclosed in doublequotes. If escapePunctuation flag is on, replace non-alphanumeric characters with entity codes.

        if (curr == '"') {
            while (++pos < this.input.length && this.input[pos] != '"') {}
            let txt = this.input.slice(this.pos + 1, pos)
            if (this.escapePunctuation)
                txt = txt.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, 
                    ch => `&#${ch.charCodeAt(0)};`)
            return [text(txt), pos + 1]

Check if input is a number. The only accepted decimal separator is dot ..

        if (/\d/.test(curr)) {
            while (pos < this.input.length && /[\d\.]/.test(this.input[pos]))
            return [number(this.input.slice(this.pos, pos)), pos]

Find the correct symbol from the table. The symbol table is a dictionary whose key is the first character of a symbol and value is a list of symbols starting with that character. To find the correct symbol, we first get the list of symbols for character we read from the input. The list of symbols is sorted in descending order according to the length. So, we compare them in this order and return the first one that matches the input. That way we find the longest matching token.

        let syms = this.symbols[curr]
        if (syms)
            for (let i = 0; i < syms.length; ++i) {
                let sym = syms[i]
                let len = sym.input.length
                if (this.input.slice(pos, pos + len) == sym.input)
                    return [sym, pos + len]

If we don't find a matching symbol, we skip the current character and return error.

        return [error(curr), pos + 1]

Get the next symbol from the input and advance the position.

    nextSymbol(): Symbol {
        let [sym, pos] = this.peekSymbol()
        if (pos >= 0)
            this.pos = pos
        return sym

To output a variable in a special font, we need to map its character codes to another unicode range. This way can use blackboard (double bold), calligraphic, or fraktur fonts.

When a command for changing font is encountered, we push a new character table to the stack.

    pushCharTable(table: CharTable) {

When the scope for the new font closes, we pop the topmost table from the stack.

    popCharTable() {

Return the current character table or undefined, if the stack is empty.

    charTable(): CharTable | undefined {
        return this.charTables[this.charTables.length - 1]

Character Tables

The available character tables are defined next. Here are some samples of what character sets are available.

The tables contain just upper and lower case latin alphabets. No other characters are transformed. The first one is for calligraphic characters.

let calTable = ["\uD835\uDC9C", "\u212C", "\uD835\uDC9E", "\uD835\uDC9F", "\u2130", 
    "\u2131", "\uD835\uDCA2", "\u210B", "\u2110", "\uD835\uDCA5", "\uD835\uDCA6", 
    "\u2112", "\u2133", "\uD835\uDCA9", "\uD835\uDCAA", "\uD835\uDCAB", 
    "\uD835\uDCAC", "\u211B", "\uD835\uDCAE", "\uD835\uDCAF", "\uD835\uDCB0", 
    "\uD835\uDCB1", "\uD835\uDCB2", "\uD835\uDCB3", "\uD835\uDCB4", 
    "\uD835\uDCB5", "\uD835\uDCB6", "\uD835\uDCB7", "\uD835\uDCB8", 
    "\uD835\uDCB9", "\u212F", "\uD835\uDCBB", "\u210A", "\uD835\uDCBD", 
    "\uD835\uDCBE", "\uD835\uDCBF", "\uD835\uDCC0", "\uD835\uDCC1", 
    "\uD835\uDCC2", "\uD835\uDCC3", "\u2134", "\uD835\uDCC5", "\uD835\uDCC6", 
    "\uD835\uDCC7", "\uD835\uDCC8", "\uD835\uDCC9", "\uD835\uDCCA", 
    "\uD835\uDCCB", "\uD835\uDCCC", "\uD835\uDCCD", "\uD835\uDCCE", 

This contains fraktur characters.

let frkTable = ["\uD835\uDD04", "\uD835\uDD05", "\u212D", "\uD835\uDD07", 
    "\uD835\uDD08", "\uD835\uDD09", "\uD835\uDD0A", "\u210C", "\u2111", 
    "\uD835\uDD0D", "\uD835\uDD0E", "\uD835\uDD0F", "\uD835\uDD10", 
    "\uD835\uDD11", "\uD835\uDD12", "\uD835\uDD13", "\uD835\uDD14", "\u211C", 
    "\uD835\uDD16", "\uD835\uDD17", "\uD835\uDD18", "\uD835\uDD19", 
    "\uD835\uDD1A", "\uD835\uDD1B", "\uD835\uDD1C", "\u2128", "\uD835\uDD1E", 
    "\uD835\uDD1F", "\uD835\uDD20", "\uD835\uDD21", "\uD835\uDD22", 
    "\uD835\uDD23", "\uD835\uDD24", "\uD835\uDD25", "\uD835\uDD26", 
    "\uD835\uDD27", "\uD835\uDD28", "\uD835\uDD29", "\uD835\uDD2A", 
    "\uD835\uDD2B", "\uD835\uDD2C", "\uD835\uDD2D", "\uD835\uDD2E", 
    "\uD835\uDD2F", "\uD835\uDD30", "\uD835\uDD31", "\uD835\uDD32", 
    "\uD835\uDD33", "\uD835\uDD34", "\uD835\uDD35", "\uD835\uDD36", 

And finally the blackboard characters.

let bbbTable = ["\uD835\uDD38", "\uD835\uDD39", "\u2102", "\uD835\uDD3B", 
    "\uD835\uDD3C", "\uD835\uDD3D", "\uD835\uDD3E", "\u210D", "\uD835\uDD40", 
    "\uD835\uDD41", "\uD835\uDD42", "\uD835\uDD43", "\uD835\uDD44", "\u2115", 
    "\uD835\uDD46", "\u2119", "\u211A", "\u211D", "\uD835\uDD4A", "\uD835\uDD4B", 
    "\uD835\uDD4C", "\uD835\uDD4D", "\uD835\uDD4E", "\uD835\uDD4F", 
    "\uD835\uDD50", "\u2124", "\uD835\uDD52", "\uD835\uDD53", "\uD835\uDD54", 
    "\uD835\uDD55", "\uD835\uDD56", "\uD835\uDD57", "\uD835\uDD58", 
    "\uD835\uDD59", "\uD835\uDD5A", "\uD835\uDD5B", "\uD835\uDD5C", 
    "\uD835\uDD5D", "\uD835\uDD5E", "\uD835\uDD5F", "\uD835\uDD60", 
    "\uD835\uDD61", "\uD835\uDD62", "\uD835\uDD63", "\uD835\uDD64", 
    "\uD835\uDD65", "\uD835\uDD66", "\uD835\uDD67", "\uD835\uDD68", 
    "\uD835\uDD69", "\uD835\uDD6A", "\uD835\uDD6B"];

Now we can define a function that converts a string using a specified character table. If none is given, we return the same text back.

function convertText(text: string, table?: CharTable): string {
    if (!table)
        return text
    let res = ""
    for (let i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {
        let ch = text.charCodeAt(i)
        res += ch >= 65 && ch < 91 ? table[ch-65] : 
            ch >= 97 && ch < 123 ? table[ch-71] : 
    return res


The type for parser is simple: a function that takes a scanner and returns a string. In practice, parser returns the MathML fragment corresponding to the MathML expression that the scanner is pointing to.

type Parser = (scanner: Scanner) => string


Symbols are objects returned by the scanner. Each symbol has a kind attribute. Default symbols are not affecting syntax rules, they usually just transform a symbol directly to a corresponding MathML fragment. Other symbol kinds are used when parser needs to do some special processing.

enum SymbolKind {

In addition to the kind, a symbol contains the input string corresponding to the symbol, and the parser which transforms the symbol to MathML.

interface Symbol {
    kind: SymbolKind
    input: string
    parser: Parser

Symbol table contains all symbols. It's key is the first character of a symbol and value is a list of symbols starting with that character. The list is sorted in descending order according to symbols' lengths. So, the longest symbols appear first and the shortest last. This makes finding the symbol matching the current input more efficient (see the Scanner.peekSymbol method above).

type SymbolTable = { [firstLetter: string]: Symbol[] }


Now we can define a bunch of helper functions that create symbols of various kinds. The first one is used for parsing regular text strings inside equations. These are rendered inside <mtext> element in normal style and not as italics.

We need to do the character translation for the text using the current table.

function text(input: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.Default,
        parser: inp => /*html*/`<mtext>${
            convertText(input, inp.charTable())}</mtext>`


Numbers are recognized by the scanner and translated simply to <mn> elements.

function number(input: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.Default,
        parser: () => /*html*/`<mn>${input}</mn>`


Error symbol is returned when the input is invalid. The error or unrecognized symbol is put into <merror> element which renders it usually in red and yellow box.

function error(msg: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        input: "", 
        parser: () => /*html*/`<merror><mtext>${msg}</mtext></merror>` 

End of Input

When input string is exhausted we return an eof symbol. It has a special kind that terminates the expression parsing rules. The parser itself returns no output.

function eof(): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Eof, 
        input: "", 
        parser: () => ""


Variables or identifiers are embedded in <mi> element by the parser. Here we need to also convert the characters, if a font command is in effect. The function below can be used for any input and output.

function ident(input: string, output = input): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: scanner => /*html*/`<mi>${
            convertText(output, scanner.charTable())}</mi>` 


Simple operators are enclosed in <mo> elements.

function oper(input: string, output: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: () => /*html*/`<mo>${output}</mo>` 

Some operators such as and, or, or mod are rendered as "normal" text. These we put into <mtext> element inside a <mrow> element, and insert leading and trailing spaces.

function textOper(input: string, output = input): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: () => /*html*/`<mrow><mspace width="1ex"/><mtext>${output            
            }</mtext><mspace width="1ex"/></mrow>` 

A special kind of operator is needed for symbols that can have stuff under and over them.

function underOverOper(input: string, oper = input): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.UnderOver, 
        parser: () => /*html*/`<mo>${oper}</mo>`


Left bracket symbols such as (, [, { are returned by this function. Since left brackets also trigger expression parsing rules, we give them a special kind. Note that a bracket can be also invisible. In that case, the output argument is undefined.

function leftBracket(input: string, output?: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.LeftBracket,
        parser: output ? 
            () => /*html*/`<mo>${output}</mo>` :
            () => ""

Right brackets have their own kind as they terminate expression parsing. Also right brackets can be invisible.

function rightBracket(input: string, output?: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.RightBracket,
        parser: output ? 
            () => /*html*/`<mo>${output}</mo>` :
            () => ""

Symbols with One Argument

There are a lot of AsciiMath commands that take one argument. We call them unary symbols. The output generated for these commands might vary quite a lot. Thus we need many parser variants for unary symbols.

The simplest variant first parses the argument by invoking the sexpr rule, and then returns the operator and argument sequentally inside <mrow> element. This parser can be used for symbols like sin and log.

function unaryParser(oper: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let arg = sexprParser(scanner)
        return /*html*/`<mrow>${oper}${arg}</mrow>`

The corresponding helper function for creating the symbol.

function unary(input: string, oper = input): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: unaryParser(/*html*/`<mo>${oper}</mo>`) 

The second variant embeds the argument inside a specidied MathML tag. This is used for parsing square roots or text strings.

function unaryEmbedParser(tag: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let arg = sexprParser(scanner)
        return /*html*/`<${tag}>${arg}</${tag}>`

function unaryEmbed(input: string, tag: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: unaryEmbedParser(tag)

The third variant embeds the argument into a speciefied tag with another hard-coded argument that is given as a parameter to the function. This is used with commands that put accents under or over a symbol.

function unaryEmbedWithParser(tag: string, arg2: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let arg1 = sexprParser(scanner)
        return /*html*/`<${tag}>${arg1}${arg2}</${tag}>`

function unaryUnderOver(input: string, tag: string, arg2: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.UnderOver, 
        parser: unaryEmbedWithParser(tag, /*html*/`<mo>${arg2}</mo>`) 

The fourth variant surrounds the argument with specified left and right bracket symbols. It's used with commands such as abs or floor.

function unarySurroundParser(left: string, right: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let arg = sexprParser(scanner)
        return /*html*/`<mrow>${left}${arg}${right}</mrow>`

function unarySurround(input: string, left: string, right: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: unarySurroundParser(/*html*/`<mo>${left}</mo>`, 

The fifth version embeds the argument inside a specified tag, and also adds a specified attribute to the tag.

function unaryAttrParser(tag: string, attr: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let arg = sexprParser(scanner)
        return /*html*/`<${tag} ${attr}>${arg}</${tag}>`

function unaryAttr(input: string, tag: string, attr: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: unaryAttrParser(tag, attr) 

The sixth and last variant is used with math font commands. We will need to specify the character table which we switch on while parsing the argument.

function unaryCharTableParser(table: string[]): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let res = sexprParser(scanner)
        return res

function unaryCharTable(input: string, table: string[]): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: unaryCharTableParser(table)

Symbols with Two Arguments

Some AsciiMath commands take two arguments. We call them binary symbols, and parse the additional argument before returning the result. Luckily, there are only two variants for binary symbols. The first one is analogous to unaryEmbedParser.

function binaryEmbedParser(tag: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let arg1 = sexprParser(scanner)
        let arg2 = sexprParser(scanner)
        return /*html*/`<${tag}>${arg1}${arg2}</${tag}>`

function binaryEmbed(input: string, tag: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default,
        parser: binaryEmbedParser(tag)

The second variant is analogous to unaryAttrParser but instead of getting the attribute as hard-coded argument, we read it's value from the input string. The value of the argument can theoretically be any recognized symbol, but in practice it almost always is a text symbol.

function binaryAttrParser(tag: string, attr: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let arg1 = scanner.nextSymbol().input
        let arg2 = sexprParser(scanner)
        return /*html*/`<${tag} ${attr}="${arg1}">${arg2}</${tag}>`

function binaryAttr(input: string, tag: string, attr: string): Symbol {
    return { 
        kind: SymbolKind.Default, 
        parser: binaryAttrParser(tag, attr) 


Now that we have tools to parse the terminals of the AsciiMath syntax, we can define the more complicated syntax rules for nonterminals. The whole grammar is shown in an abbrevieated format below.

v ::= [A-Za-z] | greek letters | numbers | other constant symbols
u ::= sqrt | text | bb | other unary symbols for font commands
b ::= frac | root | stackrel | other binary symbols
l ::= ( | [ | { | (: | {: | other left brackets
r ::= ) | ] | } | :) | :} | other right brackets
S ::= v | lEr | uS | bSS             Simple expression
I ::= S_S | S^S | S_S^S | S          Intermediate expression
E ::= IE | I/I                       Expression

Simple Expressions

We already defined parsers for rules v, u, b, l, and r. So, now we need a parser for the nonterminal S which stands for "simple expression". The parser for it is shown below. It returns the MathML for S-expression and the topmost (root) symbol of the parse tree. This is needed by the I rule for determining whether subscripts and superscripts are shown normally, or under and over the expression.

We don't have to check whether a symbol is unary or binary in the S rule. Unary and binary symbols read their arguments inside their parsers. We only need to check whether the current symbol is a left bracket. If so, we invoke the E rule by calling the exprParser.

The special case is when there are no symbols between brackets. Technically, that case is not supported by the grammar presented above, but in practice it's an easy thing to handle; just peek if the next symbol is right bracket and omit the call to exprParser in that case.

However, we need to check whether the right bracket is missing and report an error then.

function parseSExpr(scanner: Scanner): [string, Symbol] {
    let sym = scanner.nextSymbol()
    if (sym.kind == SymbolKind.LeftBracket) {
        let lbrac = sym.parser(scanner)
        let [sym2,] = scanner.peekSymbol()
        let exp = sym2.kind == SymbolKind.RightBracket ? 
            "" : exprParser(scanner) 
        sym2 = scanner.nextSymbol()
        let rbrac = (sym2.kind == SymbolKind.RightBracket ? 
            sym2 : error("Missing closing paren")).parser(scanner)
        return [/*html*/`<mrow>${lbrac}${exp}${rbrac}</mrow>`, sym]
    return [sym.parser(scanner), sym]

The function below conforms to the Parser type signature and is used when the symbol is not needed.

function sexprParser(scanner: Scanner): string {
    return parseSExpr(scanner)[0]

Intermediate Expressions

The I rule handles subscripts and superscripts. Once we've parsed a simple expression, we check whether the next symbol is _ or ^. If either is true, we parse the subscript and/or superscript and return correct MathML element based on kind of the base symbol. If the kind is UnderOver we use <munderover> element (or its variant); otherwise we enclose the expressions in <msubsup> element.

function iexprParser(scanner: Scanner): string {
    let [res, sym] = parseSExpr(scanner)
    let sub: string | undefined
    let sup: string | undefined
    let [next, pos] = scanner.peekSymbol()
    if (next.input == "_") {
        scanner.pos = pos
        sub = sexprParser(scanner);
        [next, pos] = scanner.peekSymbol()
    if (next.input == "^") {
        scanner.pos = pos
        sup = sexprParser(scanner)
    if (sym.kind == SymbolKind.UnderOver)
        return sub && sup ? /*html*/`<munderover>${res}${sub}${sup}</munderover>` :
            sub ? /*html*/`<munder>${res}${sub}</munder>` :
            sup ? /*html*/`<mover>${res}${sup}</mover>` :
        return sub && sup ? /*html*/`<msubsup>${res}${sub}${sup}</msubsup>` :
            sub ? /*html*/`<msub>${res}${sub}</msub>` :
            sup ? /*html*/`<msup>${res}${sup}</msup>` :


The E rule is the main parsing rule for AsciiMath expressions. It parses intermediate expressions in a sequence and also handles the division operator. The parser continues as long as none of the symbols in the terminators list is encountered. When that happens, we return to the caller the expression constructed so far.

const terminators = [ SymbolKind.Eof, SymbolKind.RightBracket, 
    SymbolKind.MatrixCellSep, SymbolKind.MatrixRowSep, 
    SymbolKind.MatrixRightBracket ]

We need to check after each time iexprParser is called whether the next symbol is a terminator. This is why it's done in two places inside the loop.

function exprParser(scanner: Scanner): string {
    let res = ""
    while (true) {
        let exp = iexprParser(scanner)
        let [next, pos] = scanner.peekSymbol()
        if (terminators.includes(next.kind))
            return res + exp
        if (next.input == "/") {
            scanner.pos = pos
            let quot = iexprParser(scanner)
            exp = /*html*/`<mfrac>${exp}${quot}</mfrac>`;
            [next, ] = scanner.peekSymbol()
            if (terminators.includes(next.kind))
                return res + exp
        res += exp


Our syntax for matrices differs completely from the offical specification. We use separate symbols for opening and closing a matrix intead of recycling standard brackets. Matrix cells are separated by semicolons instead of commas, and rows are separated by double semicolons instead of enclosing them in brackets. The reason for deviating from the original syntax is purely convenience. We can make the parsing simpler and faster by not reusing symbols. Hopefully our syntax is also easier to remember and use as there are no overloaded symbols.

The parser for matrices takes the opening left bracket as an argument. It first checks if the next symbol is a closing right bracket or if we are at the end of input. If so, we return the matrix constructed so far. If not, we parse the next matrix row by calling matrixRowParser.

function matrixParser(leftBracket: string): Parser {
    return scanner => {
        let res = ""
        while (true) {
            let [sym, pos] = scanner.peekSymbol()
            if (sym.kind == SymbolKind.Eof ||
                sym.kind == SymbolKind.MatrixRightBracket) {
                scanner.pos = pos
                let rightBracket = sym.parser(scanner)
                return leftBracket || rightBracket ?
                        }</mtable>${rightBracket}</mrow>` :
            let row = matrixRowParser(scanner)
            res = /*html*/`${res}<mtr>${row}</mtr>`

Parser for matrix rows calls exprParser repeatedly until either matrix row separator ;;, closing bracket, or end of input is encountered. Note that exprParser also terminates when it sees the cell or row separator symbol or end of input.

function matrixRowParser(scanner: Scanner): string {
    let res = ""
    while (true) {
        let [sym, pos] = scanner.peekSymbol()
        if (sym.kind == SymbolKind.Eof || sym.kind == SymbolKind.MatrixRowSep) {
            scanner.pos = pos
            return res
        if (sym.kind == SymbolKind.MatrixRightBracket)
            return res
        let cell = exprParser(scanner)
        res = /*html*/`${res}<mtd>${cell}</mtd>`

Symbol for a left bracket opening a matrix is created with this function. When the output is undefined the bracket is not rendered.

function leftMatrix(input: string, output?: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.MatrixLeftBracket,
        parser: matrixParser(output ? /*html*/`<mo>${output}</mo>` : ""),

Symbol for right bracket of a matrix is created similarly.

function rightMatrix(input: string, output?: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.MatrixRightBracket,
        parser: () => output ? /*html*/`<mo>${output}</mo>` : ""

The cell and row separators are always invisible.

function matrixCellSep(input: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.MatrixCellSep,
        parser: () => ""

function matrixRowSep(input: string): Symbol {
    return {
        kind: SymbolKind.MatrixRowSep,
        parser: () => ""

Symbol Table

Now we have all the tools needed to define the full symbol table. The table covers all the possible inputs excepts for literal strings and numbers.

const symbols: SymbolTable = {
    a: [
        ident("alpha", "&#x03B1;"),
        oper("aleph", "&#x2135;"),
        unarySurround("abs", "&#124;", "&#124;"),
    A: [
        unarySurround("Abs", "&#124;", "&#124;"),
        oper("AA", "&#x2200;"),
    b: [
        ident("beta", "&#x03B2;"),
        unaryUnderOver("bar", "mover", "&#x00AF;"),
        unaryCharTable("bbb", bbbTable),
        unaryAttr("bb", "mstyle", 'style="font-weight: bold"'),
    B: [
    c: [
        unaryAttr("cancel", "menclose", 'notation="updiagonalstrike"'),
        binaryAttr("color", "mstyle", "mathcolor"),
        binaryAttr("class", "mrow", "class"),
        oper("cdots", "&#x22EF;"),
        unarySurround("ceil", "&#x2308;", "&#x2309;"),
        ident("chi", "&#x03C7;"),
        unaryCharTable("cc", calTable),
    C: [
        oper("CC", "&#x2102;"),
    d: [
        oper("diamonds", "&#x22C4;"),
        ident("delta", "&#x03B4;"),
        oper("ddots", "&#x22F1;"),
        unaryUnderOver("ddot", "mover", ".."),
        oper("darr", "&#x2193;"),
        oper("del", "&#x2202;"),
        unaryUnderOver("dot", "mover", "."),
    D: [
        oper("Delta", "&#x0394;"),
    e: [
        ident("epsilon", "&#x03B5;"),
        ident("eta", "&#x03B7;"),
    E: [
        oper("EE", "&#x2203;"),
    f: [
        unarySurround("floor", "&#x230A;", "&#x230B;"),
        oper("frown", "&#x2322;"),
        binaryEmbed("frac", "mfrac"),
        unaryCharTable("fr", frkTable),
    F: [
    g: [
        ident("gamma", "&#x03B3;"),
        oper("grad", "&#x2207;"),
    G: [
        oper("Gamma", "&#x0393;"),
    h: [
        oper("harr", "&#x2194;"),
        oper("hArr", "&#x21D4;"),
        unaryUnderOver("hat", "mover", "&#x005E;"),
    H: [
    i: [
        ident("iota", "&#x03B9;"),
        oper("int", "&#x222B;"),
        oper("in", "&#x2208;"),
        binaryAttr("id", "mrow", "id"),
    I: [
    j: [
    J: [
    k: [
        ident("kappa", "&#x03BA;"),
    K: [
    l: [
        ident("lambda", "&#x03BB;"),
        oper("larr", "&#x2190;"),
        oper("lArr", "&#x21D0;"),
        underOverOper("lim", "lim"),
    L: [
        oper("Lambda", "&#x039B;"),
        underOverOper("Lim", "Lim"),
    m: [
        ident("mu", "&#x03BC;"),
    M: [
    n: [
        unarySurround("norm", "&#x2225;", "&#x2225;"),
        underOverOper("nnn", "&#x22C2;"),
        oper("not", "&#x00AC;"),
        oper("nn", "&#x2229;"),
        ident("nu", "&#x03BD;"),
    N: [
        oper("NN", "&#x2115;"),
    o: [
        unaryUnderOver("overarc", "mover", "&#x23DC;"),
        binaryEmbed("overset", "mover"),
        unaryUnderOver("obrace", "mover", "&#x23DE;"),
        ident("omega", "&#x03C9;"),
        oper("oint", "&#x222E;"),
        oper("o+", "&#x2295;"),
        oper("ox", "&#x2295;"),
        oper("o.", "&#x2299;"),
        oper("oo", "&#x221E;"),
    O: [
        oper("Omega", "&#x03A9;"),
        oper("O/", "&#x2205;"),
    p: [
        underOverOper("prod", "&#x220F;"),
        ident("prop", "&#x221D;"),
        ident("phi", "&#x03D5;"),
        ident("psi", "&#x03C8;"),
        ident("pi", "&#x03C0;"),
    P: [
        oper("Phi", "&#x03A6;"),
        ident("Psi", "&#x03A8;"),
        oper("Pi", "&#x03A0;"),
    q: [
        oper("qquad", "\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0"),
        oper("quad", "\u00A0\u00A0"),
    Q: [
        oper("QQ", "&#x211A;"),
    r: [
        oper("rarr", "&#x2192;"),
        oper("rArr", "&#x21D2;"),
        binaryEmbed("root", "mroot"),
        ident("rho", "&#x03C1;"),
    R: [
        oper("RR", "&#x211D;"),
    s: [
        binaryEmbed("stackrel", "mover"),
        oper("setminus", "&#92;"),
        oper("square", "&#x25A1;"),
        ident("sigma", "&#x03C3;"),
        underOverOper("sube", "&#x2286;"),
        underOverOper("supe", "&#x2287;"),
        unaryEmbed("sqrt", "msqrt"),
        underOverOper("sum", "&#x2211;"),
        underOverOper("sub", "&#x2282;"),
        underOverOper("sup", "&#x2283;"),
        unaryAttr("sf", "mstyle", 
            'style="font-family: var(--sans-font), sans-serif"'),
    S: [
        oper("Sigma", "&#x03A3;"),
    t: [
        ident("theta", "&#x03B8;"),
        unaryUnderOver("tilde", "mover", "&#126;"),
        unaryEmbed("text", "mtext"),
        ident("tau", "&#x03C4;"),
        unaryAttr("tt", "mstyle", 
            'style="font-family: var(--mono-font), monospace"'),
    T: [
        oper("Theta", "&#x0398;"),
        oper("TT", "&#x22A4;"),
    u: [
        binaryEmbed("underset", "munder"),
        ident("upsilon", "&#x03C5;"),
        unaryUnderOver("ubrace", "munder", "&#x23DF;"),
        oper("uarr", "&#x2191;"),
        underOverOper("uuu", "&#x22C3;"),
        oper("uu", "&#x222A;"),
        unaryUnderOver("ul", "munder", "&#x0332;"),
    U: [
    v: [
        ident("varepsilon", "&#x025B;"),
        ident("vartheta", "&#x03D1;"),
        ident("varphi", "&#x03C6;"),
        oper("vdots", "&#x22EE;"),
        unaryUnderOver("vec", "mover", "&#x2192;"),
        underOverOper("vvv", "&#x22C1;"),
        oper("vv", "&#x2228;"),
    V: [
    w: [
    W: [
    x: [
        ident("xi", "&#x03BE;"),
        oper("xx", "&#x00D7;"),
    X: [
        ident("Xi", "&#x039E;"),
    y: [
    Y: [
    z: [
        ident("zeta", "&#x03B6;"),
    Z: [
        oper("ZZ", "&#x2124;"),
    "-": [
        oper("__|", "&#x230B;"),
        oper("-<=", "&#x2AAF;"),
        oper("->>", "&#x21A0;"),
        oper("->", "&#x2192;"),
        oper("-<", "&#x227A;"),
        oper("-:", "&#x00F7;"),
        oper("-=", "&#x2261;"),
        oper("-+", "&#x2213;"),
        oper("-", "&#x2212;"),
    "*": [
        oper("***", "&#x22C6;"),
        oper("**", "&#x2217;"),
        oper("*", "&#x22C5;"),
    "+": [
        oper("+-", "&#x00B1;"),
        oper("+", "&#43;")
    "/": [
        oper("/_\\", "&#x25B3;"),
        oper("/_", "&#x2220;"),
        oper("//", "&#47;"),
        oper("/", "")
    "\\": [
        oper("\\\\", "&#92;"),
        oper("\\", "&#x00A0;")
    "|": [
        oper("|><|", "&#x22C8;"),
        oper("|><", "&#x22C9;"),
        oper("|->", "&#x21A6;"),
        oper("|--", "&#x22A2;"),
        oper("|==", "&#x22A8;"),
        oper("|__", "&#x230A;"),
        leftMatrix("||:", "&#124;"),
        oper("|~", "&#x2308;"),
        leftBracket("|:", "&#124;"),
        rightMatrix("|)", "&#41;"),
        rightMatrix("|]", "&#93;"),
        rightMatrix("|}", "&#125;"),
        oper("|", "&#124;")
    "<": [
        oper("<=>", "&#x21D4;"),
        oper("<=", "&#x2264;"),
        oper("<<", "&#x226A;"),
        oper("<", "&#60;"),
    ">": [
        oper(">->>", "&#x2916;"),
        oper(">->", "&#x21A3;"),
        oper("><|", "&#x22CA;"),
        oper(">-=", "&#x2AB0;"),
        oper(">=", "&#x2265;"),
        oper(">-", "&#x227B;"),
        oper(">>", "&#x226B;"),
        oper(">", "&#62;"),
    "=": [
        oper("=>", "&#x21D2;"),
        oper("=", "&#61;"),
    "@": [
        oper("@", "&#x2218;"),
    "^": [
        underOverOper("^^^", "&#x22C0;"),
        oper("^^", "&#x2227;"),
        oper("^", "")
    "~": [
        oper("~~", "&#x2248;"),
        oper("~=", "&#x2245;"),
        oper("~|", "&#x2309;"),
        oper("~", "&#x223C;"),
    "!": [
        oper("!in", "&#x2209;"),
        oper("!=", "&#x2260;"),
        oper("!", "&#33;")
    ":": [
        rightMatrix(":||", "&#124;"),
        oper(":=", "&#58;&#61;"),
        rightBracket(":)", "&#x232A;"),
        rightBracket(":|", "&#124;"),
        rightBracket(":}", "&#125;"),
        oper(":.", "&#x2234;"),
        oper(":'", "&#x2235;"),
        oper(":", "&#58;")
    ";": [
    ".": [
        oper("...", "&#46;&#46;&#46;"),
    ",": [
        oper(",", "&#44;")
    "_": [
        oper("_|_", "&#x22A5;"),
        oper("_", "")
    "'": [
        oper("'", "&#x2032;")
    "(": [
        leftMatrix("(|", "&#40;"),
        leftBracket("(:", "&#x2329;"),
        leftBracket("(", "&#40;")
    ")": [
        rightBracket(")", "&#41;")
    "[": [
        leftMatrix("[|", "&#91;"),
        leftBracket("[", "&#91;")
    "]": [
        rightBracket("]", "&#93;")
    "{": [
        leftMatrix("{|", "&#123;"),
        leftBracket("{:", "&#123;"),
    "}": [

External API

None of the types and functions defined above are exported outside this module. The only function we expose is below. It takes an AsciiMath equation as the input string and returns the corresponding MathML as string. The other parameter controls whether we set the display style of the equation to block or inline.

export function asciiToMathML(input: string, inline = false, 
    escapePunctuation = false): string
    let scanner = new Scanner(input, symbols, escapePunctuation)
    return /*html*/`<math display="${inline ? 'inline' : 'block'
        }"><mstyle displaystyle="true">${exprParser(scanner)}</mstyle></math>`