Extensions to Strings

The functionality of strings is fairly comprehensive in the .NET framework. There are some additions we can still come up with.

namespace ExtensionCord
    using System.Collections.Generic;
	using System.Text;

	public static class StringExt

Repeat a String n Times

The following method duplicates a string as many times as specified by the parameter.

		public static string Times (this string what, int times)
			var sb = new StringBuilder ();

			for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
				sb.Append (what);

			return sb.ToString ();

IEnumerable to String

For some reason there is no ready, efficient way of converting an enumerable of chars into string. We provide that functionality with the CharsToString method.

        public static string CharsToString (this IEnumerable<char> chars)
            var sb = new StringBuilder ();
            foreach (var ch in chars)
                sb.Append (ch);
            return sb.ToString ();